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Review Sacred sanctified by Games Domain


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Sacred

There's a <A href="http://gamesdomain.yahoo.com/feature/14441">review</a> of the should-be-in-stores-today-in-North-America action CRPG, <a href="http://www.sacred-game.com">Sacred</a>, over at <A href="http://gamesdomain.yahoo.com/">Games Domain</a>. It's pretty brief, only mentions a few things in a handful of paragraphs, but nothing majorly bad. They ended up giving it a <b>8.0/10</b> faulting sound, rough graphics went zoomed in, and cliché story. Here's a clip:
<blockquote>Six character types are available: Wood elves enjoy using bows and magic based on the moon. Dark elves are their opposite; the males use poisoned blades and martial arts, the females are priestesses and use magic. The gladiator is big, buff, and badass. The seraphim is a heavenly creature that conjures magic from afar. The battle mage is a powerful magic-user. Then there's the vampiress. Once a noblewoman, she was turned into a soulless vampire. One day, however, she bit a seraphim, and was granted her power (and soul) back. Now she’s a bloodsucking Goth girl on the side of good. </blockquote>
Silly n00b vamp mistake, biting an angel.
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.bluesnews.com">Blue's News</A>


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Major_Blackhart said:
Well, it's not a 'true' RPG in the sense so I figured it wouldn't be a codex game.

Neither was Harbinger, but I reviewed it. I don't mind a little action CRPG every now and then. Though, Harbinger was pitiful.

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