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Company News Interplay still not paying employees, stock drops


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Herve Caen; Interplay

<b>Odin</b> over at <a href="http://www.nma-fallout.com">No Mutants Allowed</a> is reporting that <A href="Http://www.interplay.com">Interplay</a> has once again failed to issue paychecks on time today. Today was supposed to be pay day, but since the company has no money and the paychecks issued on 5/14 for the 4/30 period kind of bounced a bit. So, technically, <A href="Http://www.interplay.com">Interplay</a> is now <b>three pay periods behind</b> in their payroll.
Also of note, <a href="http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=IPLYE.OB">IPLYE.OB</a> is down to <b>4.5 cents/share</b>, and dropped a full <b>2 cents</b> upon openning today, openning at it's lowest point this 52 week period. The SEC added the "E" back to the symbol again because the company has yet again gone delinquent on filing it's earnings report for Q1 2004 even after filing for an extension.
Given that this situation is now being reported in newspapers, it looks as if the sale of the company <b>Herve Caen</b> and the shareholders were hoping for is less and less likely considering the amount of money it's going to owe in back pay in addition to any fines the government might place on the company for these things only adds to the risk of purchasing it.


Nov 9, 2002
Monkey Island
If I hadn't gotten paid for six weeks (assuming a paycheck/two weeks scheme), I'd fucking quit then and there and probably sue my employer, too.

Then again I'm just a blue-collar pole painter and I don't even get paid for my other job, so yeah.


Professional Throne Sitter
Staff Member
Jun 18, 2002
It's okay. They'll release Jefferson shortly and that'll sell like hot cakes! It'll be a SLAM DUNK.

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
2 employees of Interplay have filed complaints against the company with the State of California. I can't wait for them to come down hard on Herve.

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