chasing a bee
Tags: Academagia
<p><a href="http://captaind-pc-gaming.blogspot.com/2010/09/pc-indie-game-review-academagia.html" target="_blank">CaptainD's review</a> of <a href="http://www.academagia.com/" target="_blank"><strong>Academagia: The Making of Mages</strong></a> had nice things to say about the text-heavy, magic school RPG.</p>
<blockquote>It's a bold experiment, and it works in many ways. Action junkies are obviously not going to enjoy this, but if you're looking for something different / like reading and want a more interactive experience / hanker after the days of text adventures and text-based RPGs, Academagia has something to offer you that very few other games do. With so many skill types and options, if you really like it then the replayability factor is quite high too. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I rate Academagia a very worthy 8/10, and Black Chicken Studios deserve kudos for having the bravery for introducing something so out of the ordinary onto the market.</blockquote>
<p><a href="http://captaind-pc-gaming.blogspot.com/2010/09/pc-indie-game-review-academagia.html" target="_blank">CaptainD's review</a> of <a href="http://www.academagia.com/" target="_blank"><strong>Academagia: The Making of Mages</strong></a> had nice things to say about the text-heavy, magic school RPG.</p>
<blockquote>It's a bold experiment, and it works in many ways. Action junkies are obviously not going to enjoy this, but if you're looking for something different / like reading and want a more interactive experience / hanker after the days of text adventures and text-based RPGs, Academagia has something to offer you that very few other games do. With so many skill types and options, if you really like it then the replayability factor is quite high too. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I rate Academagia a very worthy 8/10, and Black Chicken Studios deserve kudos for having the bravery for introducing something so out of the ordinary onto the market.</blockquote>