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  • Я пластичейский хирург, Пластик Фантастик. Включю турбо-сиски бомбастик.
    You can't leave me hanging with that song! :negative:
    Heroic Liberator
    Heroic Liberator
    Wonder how Mihalok would react to that))
    Wonder how Mihalok would react to that))
    Considering, that he sings this song in Ukrainian now: "Oink! Oink!"
    Heroic Liberator
    Heroic Liberator
    It's a shame, really. He's a good musician (and overall artist in coordinating his bands' activities, both LT and Brutto having some quite creative music videos), too bad that his politics are shit.
    I am now covered in Earl Grey tea having spat it down me laughing at the Novodvorskaya comment. Top work chap *salute*
    You are welcome. :salute:
    You should appreciate that is written on her sign.
    "You're all idiots and don't want to be treated.
    And I'm only one smart and beatiful, standing here in the white coat."
    Stop hiding behind buttons. Come out and dance. I don't bite... hard. <3
    You're a coward that hides behind ratings instead of saying what he wants to say in posts, out of the fear of losing his monocle.

    Instead of hinting at what you want to say, come out and say it.

    You're no different than asf in the box. You think you found a loophole, when in fact, you're just dodging being told you're the midwit.
    Better to chime in when you see that you could really add something to discussion than spewing useless drivel like you. Almost all your posts in this thread have zero substance.

    >>you're no different than asf in the box. You think you found a loophole, when in fact, you're just dodging being told you're the midwit.

    What. Really what?
    All your posts are brilliant. Very informative. 0 wisdom though.

    Let me guess, you're a boomer, and you're butthurt I have more insight than you do?

    What do you mean what? Bitch, is it cool to say security doesn't matter, when you're 1 foot in the grave?

    Are you even self aware?
    The autism is strong in this one.
    Heroic Liberator
    Heroic Liberator
    From insults to reasonable arguments. True 'dexian gentlemen.
    How is autism an insult? Most clever and bright men on this earth are autists.
    I was thinking more about Theme Park/Hospital / Dungeon Keeper. A lot of fun.
    Heroic Liberator
    Heroic Liberator
    Now that's an autistic answer. And in any case, 'retarded decline enablers' is certainly one. But anyhow - carry on, prestigious 'dex gentlemen.
    Have you tried talking to NMA staff about that review?
    No. I never had an account there, in addition to their problems being persistent (I remember seeing some of their content like this already a year or two ago) and systemic, not contained to only one VD's review.
    Considering that we could just ask permission from VD just to crosspost it here (or just make all proper references to NMA) - so why not? Shitton of interesting things are alredy gone from Internet because no one copied them.
    420 characters? Really? Heh.
    Thought you died bro, but see you still stalking the halls.
    Nah, I'm just slowing down. It's a very tiresome ITZ and a most inane RaHoWa that I ever saw.
    Cry me a river, unwashed peasant. My cat had better taste in the RPGs and knew more about them than you. :M
    Imagine being so booty blasted you feel you have to start shitting up people's profiles after getting BTFO.
    Just imagine.
    You are still a retard.
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