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  • Ys I, II and III in the bag. Now it's time for Mask of the Sun (SFC).
    But did you play enough versions of III, you need to play at least the SNES, Gen, PCE versions to pass
    More Cuphead S-ranking progress: Sally Stageplay & Werner Werman. Grim Matchstick figured out and will probably be S-ranked tomorrow.
    Just finished STATIS. Not a good game to be honest.
    That's the one that made me give up on the game entirely (as a good game). It felt so stupid and unexpected. My first guess was to use it on the skeleton in the lab, after all the game lets you do things without you knowing what the hell you are doing, so I wouldn't have been surprised to end up using the skeleton to break open a door or something...
    The one with the giant insect made me resort to a guide, as I didn't expect a QTE puzzle of sorts (having to talk to the insect JUST when the happy face appeared). Used a guide again for the one were you have to explode open the door near the end of the game. My first thoughts was that I had to freeze and then break open the energy cells compartments, but lo and behold magic glue...
    Oh, the giant insect made me look up a guide as well. I almost forgot about that.
    Welp. Deus Ex finished.
    Moreover, the RPG elements of the game usually came down to "which path through the level do you take", which was kind of underwhelming since I would backtrack and explore the entirety of the level anyhow. Not like I actually missed something and thought "woah, I wondered what would have happened if I took route X instead".
    Try out The Nameless Mod. There are two different gameplay paths (with different endings for those paths) and two opposing lesser factions you can join or mutually antagonize.
    I'll keep that in mind. I'm all in for well made hacks that revamp a game.
    Now playing The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut. With FPS Counter for added Ambient Occlusion.
    Good game, shit combat.
    Now playing: King's Field (1992, FromSoftware).
    Aside from the game being a complete eyesore, literally (or maybe I'm just too tired, it's 11p.m. here and had college), seems good. I was on the brink of uninstalling after a couple of deaths, but I decided to skip that enemy and once I found my first save point, things got better. It's a fucking maze.
    The game being so slow is a huge downside, though.
    Excidium II
    Excidium II
    Now playing: Shin Megami Tensei (1992), Super Famicom.
    Excidium II
    Excidium II
    do you rike it
    It's fairly unsettling, which is saying much considering the game is fairly "normal" when you think about it. It's fun so far, I'll keep playing tomorrow.
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