Here is the source code developers of PtD agreed to share with us. Some information I've got from them:

Here is the source code developers of PtD agreed to share with us. Some information I've got from them:
It probably won't be easy to get running, its built on directx 6 and an ancient version of c++ and I was a pretty naive coder back in the day.
I was hoping to get a version up that could build. I'm positive this is the actual latest code, but it's close if it's not. There some solution files there that can at least be opened.
MatWillows/Prelude (
It was last build with a much earlier version of Visual Studio (2006 I think) and it needs a much earlier version of directX, too.
PreludeBase was the source files for the data. World. Events. People. Rest. GUI. Most of them have a text version in script in the base that was then saved out in a binary format for release. Most of the game can be edited from within prelude itself (world, graphics, schedules, items, event placement), but I can't even recall what all the commands are and there a script window within the game that can be used extensively as well. The code is spaghetti and poorly organized! Some black magic there that it ever really worked. heh. Most locations have a fixed base and then dynamic file for things that can change like items, people, etc...
ToTest was the debug build basically.

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