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  • A horse of course
    I wouldn't use the HD models personally. The detail texture megapack maybe, looks a bit odd to me though.
    Laziness is the problem. I don't have any conflicting graphics nostalgia, but I'm not looking forward to starting a shuttle launch sequence just to try a game I might not like.
    A horse of course
    Just get myth 2 and install the magma patch, then try out the first level. If you hate it, there's no need to go through the extra steps of getting The Fallen Levels, the cutscenes, the interface etc.
    Hello there mate. Noticed that you were stalking me, it is very much appreciated but if you really want to make my day then post something you like in my free indie games thread. Hope you have a great day.
    This is.....an unnaturally(for the Codex) friendly post.....I don't know how to comment it with anything except a brofist.
    Drop Duck
    Drop Duck
    Do you think so? I've read many of your posts and you seem like a very friendly and knowledgeable guy, commie. You have a great day too.
    Aww. I'll post a game in a minute.
    Do i smell.......a combatfag?!
    lol dream on roguey :) ,is that the best you can come up with,some cheap shot about muh cheating?
    Cheating is a degenerate thing to do. If I feel I have to cheat to enjoy a game, I just stop playing and play something else.
    Well modern RPGs are lacking in the roleplay part,i can't have 18 in every stat,so i end up cheating it :). After all i like roleplaying my self,not some scrub with shit stats. And from gameplay side...well i must say that it doesn't matter that much.
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