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Development Info Tower of Doom zaps to 0.0.3


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Warp Rogue

The sci-fi rogue-like, <A href="http://todoom.sourceforge.net/">Tower of Doom</a> is now up to <A href="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/todoom/tod003w.zip?download">version 0.0.3</a> for those looking to see how it's progressing. Or you could just read this partial <a href="http://www.livejournal.com/users/copx/">list of changes</a>:
<ul><li> the tower has 20 playable levels now!</li><li> The game has a "real" save game function now instead of the old "only save the player character" hack.</li><li> if you pick up items they are now added at the end of your inventory's items list - feels more natural</li><li> reorganized the character screen</li><li> the strength of your current weapon and armour is displayed in the status bar again.</li><li> the look of the tower levels has been changed a little: round edges </li><li> random "wall warts" to make them look more "chaotic"</li><li> added a "Hall of Fame" (highscore list)</li><li> updated and extended the manual</li><li> added psionics</li><li> the original names of the chaos gods are back</li><li> player characters start with equipment already in use now</li><li> doombreed has been made a little weaker. He IS beatable now. (there's no winning sequence yet, though)</li></ul>
I think it's great he's using <A href="http://www.livejournal.com/">Live Journal</a> as his development log. It's about time someone makes good use of that site.

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