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Review Two Worlds II Review


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
Tags: Reality Pump Studios; Two Worlds II

<p>Gamer's Paradise <a href="http://www.thegamersparadise.com/pc-games/review-of-two-worlds-2" target="_blank">put up a review</a> of <strong>Two Worlds 2</strong> with a score of 9/10.</p>
<p>The share amount of different side quests, a thrilling main quest, a beautiful looting system, the multiplayer experiences totally revamped and of course the beautiful, stunning scenarios is enough to keep the casual and also the hardcore RPG players busy for days. It still comes with some glitches and bumps along the road but when you consider the share size of the world it is very little negative. Also the loading within the game is short and this makes for a better flow of the game. I have to say that Two Worlds 2 will have me going back for more, but as of now I can only bow my head and call this a beautiful rendition of a RPG and proof that sequels can be so much better than the prequel.</p>
<p>Spotted at: <a href="http://www.gamebanshee.com/news/100455-two-worlds-ii-review.html">GB</a></p>


Oct 27, 2004
Lulea, Sweden
I could note that the writer of that review sure don't have English as his first language.


Apr 28, 2010
the looting mechanic is 'beautiful'? yeah, I love having to pick up 5 shitty iron swords to see if the dickhead I killed has anything useful.


Dec 18, 2006
ghostdog said:
And it's obvious the "reviewer" hasn't even finished the game
That's not a requirement for writing reviews as "professional" "gaming journalists" prove time and again.


The Last Marxist
May 12, 2010
Where one can weep in peace
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
More butthurt from the codex. :smug: I for one am glad that this unheralded game gets a review as high as a multi billion dollar production from Bio or Beth :) Sure it's not from 'quality' propaganda mouthpieces like IGN or Gamespot, but every bit helps and ensures eventual higher funds for the devs to keep improving.


backlog digger
Sep 10, 2010
Fort Joy
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The Codex doesn't care for reviews like that - but others do. And the better reviews this game gets, the more chance for a sequel we get.


Jan 6, 2008
BrizVegas, Australis Penal Colony
Hmm, not sure about 9, but I'd definately give it an 8/10 - it's pretty fun (emphasis on pretty, though you need to wear sunglasses while playing). A good second effort that improves on the original in almost every way - which it pretty much had to.
Nov 1, 2008
Cuntington Manor
commie said:
More butthurt from the codex. :smug: I for one am glad that this unheralded game gets a review as high as a multi billion dollar production from Bio or Beth :) Sure it's not from 'quality' propaganda mouthpieces like IGN or Gamespot, but every bit helps and ensures eventual higher funds for the devs to keep improving.

Please steer me to your post that details exactly why this game is so good. Failing that, please elaborate on your thoughts regarding this game.


Apr 29, 2007
AlaCarcuss said:
Hmm, not sure about 9, but I'd definately give it an 8/10 - it's pretty fun (emphasis on pretty, though you need to wear sunglasses while playing). A good second effort that improves on the original in almost every way - which it pretty much had to.

Yeah I agree, this is a good game. Not great, but not bad. I'm definitely having more fun with it than Dragon Age. I'd give it a 7-8/10.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Too bloomy. And the imbalanced combat that was so prevalent in the first was never addressed. Conclusion: It's more of the same with added shiny and very tedious loot system.

I gave it a 30 min spin. Space Bar to skip most of the dialogues and immediately jumped to the wild. Here's the complaints:

1. Sprint Speed. It was too damn fast. During the whole prison escape, I knew it'd be a problem, but thought it might be addressed later, however, this wasn't the case. Enemies immediately ignore you upon sprinting away for 3 seconds. Then you snipe them again with arrows till they die.

2.Was it even necessary to make it auto loot EVERYTHING from a corpse? And the HUGE icons for items are really helpful in occupying much needed screen space. Cut it down to 50% and maybe it'll be perfect.

3.Breaking down items should feature a shortcut. CTRL - Left Click for example is much tolerable than right click, left click every single useless loots that piled in inventory.

4.The Blur motion cameras are driving me nuts. Do you know why things blur in the first place? Because you move in high speed, not everytime you turned your head to the side.


The Last Marxist
May 12, 2010
Where one can weep in peace
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Blackadder said:
commie said:
More butthurt from the codex. :smug: I for one am glad that this unheralded game gets a review as high as a multi billion dollar production from Bio or Beth :) Sure it's not from 'quality' propaganda mouthpieces like IGN or Gamespot, but every bit helps and ensures eventual higher funds for the devs to keep improving.

Please steer me to your post that details exactly why this game is so good. Failing that, please elaborate on your thoughts regarding this game.

Well I think I wrote my impressions in the thread starting here:


I stopped playing when my PC had a crisis and had to use the old one that can't run it. It's not the greatest thing ever obviously, and you don't have to look all that hard to find faults and irritations(each to his own and for me I didn't go in expecting PS:T 2, so I didn't find much to whine about, or rather I found things that I could rage about in much more costly productions from Bioware or Beth as well), BUT it has pretty cool things, like the fun crafting and looting system, the neat spell system, combat can also be a bit varied from the norm these days and you can do a bit of stealth killing from time to time as well! No scaling of beasts and nice open world, so it feels a lot like Gothic(which I love, so it will always get bonus points from me for this). Graphics are very nice, but bloom is way overdone(nothing a patch or available tweaks won't fix), and it's very smooth. Acting ranges from ok to good(unlike the first game), plot is standard fare, but it's like this in 90% of RPG's, so I won't take it down a notch just for this. Hmm, what else...people have whined that it's repetitive, but what isn't? I actually enjoy exploring and testing my mettle against bestial hordes, and at least they don't spam the landscape like in so many other games, making combat against tougher creatures a rarer and more worthy experience.

Maybe you'll play it and be disappointed, but for all that I wrote about the game above, the most important thing is this: I genuinely had fun playing it! I didn't need to dwell on the limitations or rage at some quirks of the combat or need to be in exactly the right frame of mind to play it as I'd need to do for many of the classics from the early 90's where you needed a proper investment of attention to get the most out of them. Here I could just boot it up, sit down and get to it!

8/10 from me, easily, maybe 7/10 for the game, but an extra point because for me it became more than the sum of its parts.

PS. Sorry that it doesn't contain snide remarks or cries of 'popamole' or 'banal, shit, boring', but I tend to rage at true travesties and not just search for faults for the sake of self-satisfaction ;)


Oct 30, 2009
Divinity: Original Sin
RK47 said:
1. Sprint Speed. It was too damn fast. During the whole prison escape, I knew it'd be a problem, but thought it might be addressed later, however, this wasn't the case. Enemies immediately ignore you upon sprinting away for 3 seconds. Then you snipe them again with arrows till they die.

The game has the fastest sprint speed i ever seen.(need for speed style)

RK47 said:
2.Was it even necessary to make it auto loot EVERYTHING from a corpse? And the HUGE icons for items are really helpful in occupying much needed screen space. Cut it down to 50% and maybe it'll be perfect.

Even a granny will find those icons disturbing.

RK47 said:
3.Breaking down items should feature a shortcut. CTRL - Left Click for example is much tolerable than right click, left click every single useless loots that piled in inventory.

I don`t know about that.

RK47 said:
4.The Blur motion cameras are driving me nuts. Do you know why things blur in the first place? Because you move in high speed, not everytime you turned your head to the side.

That`s kind of silly i know. :lol:

In conclusion the game suffer from chronic consolite and robs you the freedom that a PC game can give you, (invisible walls, jump restrictions aka Arcania) before you start playing it don`t forget to put your horse glasses on. :P

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