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  • Hello. My contacts tell me you have a easy-peasy way of posting LP images. Could you share?
    Severian Silk
    There are still some dedicated image hosts that are designed to allow you to do this, but you have to pay. Forgot their names tho. I use one of them for my website.
    Severian Silk
    Postimage.org is one of them. The one I use for my website is called CloudFlare.
    You look like a faggot, go back to your old avatar.
    What was his old avatar? Was it from Primordia?
    Kraven Manor is a decent, if very short, Amnesia: TDD clone. Also, wasted an hour learning to play DEFCON only to learn it is a MP game.
    Finished Tiny & Big: Gradnpa's Leftovers. it was ok for what it is. Still playing Blood Knights.
    Done with Gone Home (boring), Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons (pretty good) and Gunpoint (surprisingly cool). next up: Blood Knights.
    Games finished recently: Broken Sword 1, The Next Big Thing and Spec Ops: The Line. Next up: Gone Home .
    "Hell yes. Even I played that over LAN and I hate multiplayer FPS overall. "

    :love: I WANT TO HAVE YOUR BABIES! Someone else who isn't all about herpderp MP shootan.
    UT is p.cool in LAN though, like you said.
    Thanks, bro, but I've already got someone to have babies for me. Appreciate the offer, though.
    Speaking of weird, I'd just play STO till you lose your Star Trek fever then abandon. Endgame grinding and the kewl ships might seem like a great idea until you realize that MMOs really aren't worth the time you spend on them. Don't straight up delete your character though, never know when the ST Fever will start again. Was watching DS9 a couple of months ago so I made some progress on my Klingon at the time.
    Agreed. I was having much more fun with the game when I played through story missions only, and I am going to return to that approach next weekend. I usually hate MMOS. Star Trek theme is the only thing that makes this one entertaining.
    You may want to check out the fan-created missions. Some are fanwankery on the highest degree, but others are expertly made and written works that feel even more like a Star Trek episode than the story stuff.
    Tried playing Paradise (by Benoit Sokal, the guy who made Syberia games), but encountered a game-breaking bug around 45 minutes in. Oh well.
    Penny Arcade Adventures ep. 1 and Costume Quest have surprisingly similar gameplay. It was quite bizarre to play one right after the other.
    Primordia is the newest game to join my personal Hall of Fame aka List of Games I Would Regret Not Playing.
    What a disgusting retarded popamoler you are. Really? Abstract puzzles in Indiana Jones? And you gave up? Now you are at the same level as J_C and DalekFlay on the retardation level. Kill yourself.
    Cosmic Misogynerd
    Cosmic Misogynerd
    On second thought, I apologize for comparing you with @J_C.
    I elaborated on why I gave up in the Primordia thread. Not because the game was bad or anything, I actually liked it.
    Cosmic Misogynerd
    Started playing The Path, but following underage girls into the woods is not my idea of fun, so this one is a skip.
    Tried to get back into Demon Stone, but gave up in the 5th chapter. Hack, hack, slash, slash, yawn, yawn, uninstall.
    Finished Duke Nukem 3D, quite good, but the alien queen was a bitch. I remember when this game was new. Feeling old now.
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