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Review KOTOR 2 trashing continues at GameCritics

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: Obsidian Entertainment; Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords

Another negative <a href=http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swkotor_sithlords>KOTOR 2</a> review. I guess now that reviewers had time to actually play the game, they feel less enthusiastic about it. Anyway, we offer you the latest <a href=http://www.gamecritics.com/review/kotor2/main.php>opinion</a> on <a href=http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swkotor_sithlords>KOTOR 2: Attack of the Clones</a>, courtesy of <a href=http://www.gamecritics.com>Game Critics</a>. The verdict is <i>disappointing experience</i> and the score is <b>6.5/10</b>. For comparison, they gave <a href=http://www.gamecritics.com/review/kotor/main.php>the original</a> 8.5
<blockquote>There is essentially no difference between the two titles despite expanded options for item creation, a few new Force abilities and new "stances" to be used during combat. These things might look good listed beside marketing bullet points, but they're inconsequential.
Calling a spade a spade, the game runs like garbage. For example, the framerate is absolutely atrocious. It's frequently possible to actually count frames of animation as the onscreen action grinds down to a crawl, and in countless places it actually halts—though I will say that it never actually crashed in the thirty-odd hours it took me to finish the light-side adventure. Small praise, indeed.
Most of the beings on your team are dull and not very engaging any way you slice it—the notable exceptions being the humorous assassination droid HK-47 and Kreia, the main character's mentor. Kreia's role in particular is actually quite fascinating, but the rest of the time spent conversing with my rogues' gallery fell flat. The first game offered multiple character-specific sidequests and healthy dialogue trees for each of the crew, which are now largely missing. With KOTOR 2, it was much harder to get the same sense of depth. There are too many instances where the characters would either not respond or have nothing new to say unless I had rotated them into my party and increased influence with them. When I finally could get them to talk, I was often met with looping speeches that repeated nonsensically and eroded the sense that these party members were anything more than placeholders.</blockquote>
Ouch! Doesn't sound too good, does it?


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
No it doesn't. But, do I care? No. I'm still buying this trashy game. :twisted:



Sep 24, 2004
There is essentially no difference between the two titles despite expanded options for item creation, a few new Force abilities and new "stances" to be used during combat. These things might look good listed beside marketing bullet points, but they're inconsequential.

Well I was under the impression that the new game had new characters, new locations and a new story. If all they've done is added some new feats and force powers I won't be buying it :roll:

The first game offered multiple character-specific sidequests

Well no, the first game had a single side quest for 5 of the 9 party members, the other 4 having none. But then accuracy isn't exactly common place in reviews these days.

Andyman Messiah

Mr. Ed-ucated
Jan 27, 2004
And the prize for the most overexaggerating reviewer goes to... :roll:

The framerates are okay on XBox and it's not possible to count down (damn, the reviewer's gotta to have some kind of weird matrix/bullet time power!), but of course it'll run way smoother on PC. :wink:

There's a whole bunch of new additions in the sequel. First, we have a new and for once in a Star Wars-game, well-written story with good dialogue and some new and some old characters. Also, we have a little bit more inspired combat than KOTOR1 (it's still sluggish and rather boring, however, but still...), more feats, better use of skills (some which >sometimes< affects the game: whoa!) and a less cheerful happy-go-go SW-universe.


Nov 3, 2002
Tech Bro Hell
Y'know, I think all this "there's nothing new except a, b, & c" bullshit is code for "whaa, it's not a new engine." I mean really, if this isn't a sequel, I don't understand what is.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
I'm actually a bit concerned about it. K2 is not the first sequel using the same engine, so I don't really understand that "it's just like the first one", "deja-vu all over", "exactly the same" comments. Most reviews also agree that all the extra features don't really affect the gameplay that much and only look good as "bullet points". Add to that what we know for sure - rushed enging, clearly missing planet, and questionable influence system; and the only decent thing to look forward to is the MCA's writing.


Dec 2, 2004
Vault boy's secret hideout
I wouldnt give all these negative reviews any thought. Just go read some of the positive reviews and feel the tension go away. UGO.com got one I recommend:http://www.ugo.com/channels/games/features/starwarshistory/review.asp


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"Well, I'll wait for someone here at the codex to review it before I buy it."

Aye. I'll be reviewing it and my reviews are always right. And, they're usually written half decently with only minor mistakes (only 1 or 2 per paragraph as opposed to my usual 1, or 2 per line).


Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
!HyPeRbOy! said:
I wouldnt give all these negative reviews any thought. Just go read some of the positive reviews and feel the tension go away. UGO.com got one I recommend:http://www.ugo.com/channels/games/features/starwarshistory/review.asp
Any review that gives a game A+ in every area is an equivalent of a blowjob or a paid commercial.


Dec 2, 2004
Vault boy's secret hideout
Vault Dweller said:
!HyPeRbOy! said:
I wouldnt give all these negative reviews any thought. Just go read some of the positive reviews and feel the tension go away. UGO.com got one I recommend:http://www.ugo.com/channels/games/features/starwarshistory/review.asp
Any review that gives a game A+ in every area is an equivalent of a blowjob or a paid commercial.

Yeah I know that is weak as hell. I was talking about the text in the review, not the grade.


Aug 21, 2003
Vault Dweller said:
Any review that gives a game A+ in every area is an equivalent of a blowjob or a paid commercial.

How 'bout a paid commercial blowjob?

Seriously, at this point I've decided I'm going to get the game, probably on the release date, and have given up reading reviews like a Ouija board. How many reviews of the original KotOR did most of us find agreeable, and why is there any reason to expect the hit percentage to be higher for the sequel? Keep reporting them as news, sure, and I'll keep reading the threads for all of your speculative and snarky products - but don't forget the general accuracy rate of these reviewers and the fact that the game will be in your own hands in a month. :wink:

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
suibhne said:
How many reviews of the original KotOR did most of us find agreeable, and why is there any reason to expect the hit percentage to be higher for the sequel?
I don't pay any attention to overall opinion and sentiments expressed in those reviews, it's the specific things often mentioned that make me wonder about the game. Anyway, I agree that there is no point assuming anything. The game is only 4 weeks away.


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Most of the beings on your team are dull and not very engaging any way you slice it—the notable exceptions being the humorous assassination droid HK-47 and Kreia, the main character's mentor.

HK-47 and Jolie were the only interesting ones in KotOR, so how is that any different?


Sep 19, 2004
The Corporate Machine
What's this, Saint? You didn't enjoy repartee with the 14 year old twi'lek or the cliche brooding carth? HK 47 was a fun character, but he was useless in combat. Any non-jedi was. I think the negative comments regarding the graphics are because people expect huge leaps and bounds between sequels, look at Halo and Halo2.

It'll be interesting to see if Ob have improved the stances between releases to make them more influencial in combat. What worries me is the dialogue criticisms, either the reviewer isnt very smart and kept choosing the wrong options, or the system is fundamentally flawed. Will have to wait and see.

Andyman Messiah

Mr. Ed-ucated
Jan 27, 2004
HK was far from useless in combat as long as you took him for what he was: a blaster wielding psychopathic robot. Give him some flamethrowers, or whatever, and you've covered the melee aspects as well. A good character.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"HK 47 was a fun character, but he was useless in combat. Any non-jedi was."



Jun 22, 2004
Port Orchard, WA, USA
One of my friends has already finished the game on X-Box and he says the gameplay is a little better, but the story isn't necessarily any better unfortunately. He's on his second playthrough, this time with the dark path, and he says it's been pretty fun. I'm guessing that the PC version will be about the same, plus some bugs that will need patching. If I ever get a chance to buy a new computer I might pick-up the game, but the combat really doesn't inspire me from what I've seen from the original.

(a Fallout/RPG fan)


Sep 19, 2004
The Corporate Machine
Locue said:
HK was far from useless in combat as long as you took him for what he was: a blaster wielding psychopathic robot. Give him some flamethrowers, or whatever, and you've covered the melee aspects as well. A good character.

Not useless, but by comparison he was no where near as versatile, and therefore useful, as a Jedi. He had flamethrowers, a stun option and an infinite charge shield. Blasters were never effective weapons since shields effectively reduced what little damage they do and they have no advantage over melee in close quaters. Jedi offered more versatility with their force powers since they could stun, harm, throw or confuse frequently and dealt considerably more damage than blasters. HK's skills were never able to be developed to a useful level.

Volourn said:

Not really. The game was combat orientated, I always found enough spikes and other equipment that specialist characters were of little use and I could make do with my own meagre skills, combined with a couple of Jedi with a few points in the skills I didn't have and there was no incentive to not use Jedi companions unless they had interesting stories, like Canderous or HK.


Aug 12, 2003
The point about shields stopping blasters would be a lot more convincing if KotOR enemies actually used shields more than a couple of times. And shields stop lightsabers too, so I'm not quite sure what the point is. If anything, lots of shield use would make Canderous better than a Jedi.

HK is the most survivable companion. He can get the highest AC in the game barring an all-out defense build on the PC, plus infinite shields. He doesn't dish out as much damage as some, but he can sure take it.


Jul 9, 2004
germantown, md
FireWolf said:
[HK was]Not useless, but by comparison he was no where near as versatile, and therefore useful, as a Jedi. He had flamethrowers, a stun option and an infinite charge shield. Blasters were never effective weapons since shields effectively reduced what little damage they do and they have no advantage over melee in close quaters. Jedi offered more versatility with their force powers since they could stun, harm, throw or confuse frequently and dealt considerably more damage than blasters. HK's skills were never able to be developed to a useful level.
Judging by you mentioning security spikes, I conclude you've played XBox version. PC had some better ranged weapons available, such as Baragwin Heavy Repeating Blaster. Besides, in both versions there were carbonite projectors which unlike force powers would never fail to paralyze the target (despite the saving throw).

FireWolf said:
Not really. The game was combat orientated [skip] and I could make do with my own meagre skills, combined with a couple of Jedi [skip]
Which comes as a small wonder, isn't it?

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