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Preview Dungeon Lords ganderings at ActionTrip


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Dungeon Lords

<A href="http://www.actiontrip.com/">ActionTrip</a> serves up a <A href="http://www.actiontrip.com/previews/dungeonlords.phtml">preview</A> of <b>D.W. Bradley</b>'s <a href="http://www.dungeonlordsgame.com/">Dungeon Lords</a>. It's based on a playable build of the game, so you can check it out if for no other reason than to see the nifty screenshots of the game you've never seen before.
<blockquote>Several days ago I had the chance to play the latest build of DreamCatcher's fantasy RPG, currently under development by Heuristic Park, the authors of Wizards & Warriors. Its author is the famed David W. Bradley, the designer of several Wizardry titles (namely 5, 6 and 7). I hastily discharged it as 'just another fantasy RPG' with a cliché story and several playable stereotypical races. I was wrong. Although many game's elements still look rough and need some serious polish, it is obvious that Dungeon Lords manages to incorporate the RPG and the action elements in a very satisfying manner, making a pleasant mixture of sword-wielding, spell-casting and character development. After initial skepticism, I plunged into the dark and dangerous world of Dungeon Lords infested with goblins, bats, thieves, orc trolls and headless brutes. (In case you're wondering, the latter is a giant headless ungulate gone bad.)</blockquote>
There's a certain irony that the word <i>cliché</i> is used in this paragraph.
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.bluesnews.com">Blue's News</A>


Jan 4, 2005
Towards the end of the preview, the writer states:

"... I always preferred tactical combat to frenzied hack-and-slash action..."

It is an indicator of the extent to which dumbing-down has prevailed, that she seems unable to realise there might be an alternative to these two options...


Dec 27, 2004
Regardless, I’m going to be looking at this one closely. Even though it’s labeled as an action rpg, Bradley has said it’s an rpg first, then an action game. Also, I can’t see him making a dungeon siege type of game. Furthermore he’s done pretty good job of character development in his games. A gut feeling tells me this will be like a gothic game. We’ll see though if it’s any good, but I’ll be taking a look to see if it is.

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