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Interview A Game of Thrones RPG - Interview at RPS


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
Tags: A Game of Thrones RPG; Cyanide

RPS did an interview with Cyanide's Sylvain Sechi and Thomas Veauclin on their upcoming, soon-to-be-released Game of Thrones RPG.

RPS: How much does what you’ve got now resemble what you started sketching out three years ago?

Sylvain Sechi: At the very beginning we were going into a bit more open game, a bit less linear, but since we wanted a very very strong story, and also we went into engine limitation, we are using Unreal technology for the game, which is really a game made for linear game, a bit less for Sandbox, which actually was not Sandbox was just a bit more open. So we used a bit the openbox, sandbox aspect to focus more on the story, and I think it was a very good choice because that’s really what the game is about; very very strong story content. It was very close to what we had expected first.

Thomas Veauclin: We tried a lot of things at the beginning in the story in the script, and the game is depending on what we would like to tell and to write, we tried a story with only one character, we tried a story with lots of characters, lots of heroes. Each time it had an impact directly on what we have to make, what we have to realise, and we tried, we tried, we tried, we tried. One thing we tried was to put a lot of things of the books in the game, a lot of characters, a lot of places. At the time ‘What are we talking about? What is the story? What is the relation with the player?’

One thing that was very important to us was to create a new story, we didn’t want to tell a story with high level problem of the king, of the queen, and you’re a nobody. You were the hero, so there are lots of things in the world and you will be totally pushed by the world and by the story of the novels and history in the game. The player is the centre of his adventure, of course, and of the game. So we put a lot of time to write, write, write again, write again, to the background of the character and of the heroes, of your heroes and of all the other characters who could impact on your heroes directly. So, we tried a lot of things.

Sylvain Sechi: From a writing perspective Thomas is talking about, writing the story, we tried a lot of things. We dropped at least ten different scenarios we did not think at the end were good enough; we re-wrote, re-wrote, re-wrote it. Eventually, each time we would get closer to what we wanted to achieve. Kind of like creating a child on top of dead bodies, and then you get higher and higher and then you get really … not perfect, but at least really what we wanted to do.
Kind of like creating a child on top of dead bodies? Necromancy confirmed.



what...the.... fucking.... fuck?

Kind of like creating a child on top of dead bodies...eh?

i dont.... even... is this some kind of joke?
Oct 4, 2010


well, there is a bit more to hilarity of it than that last unfortunate line.

At the very beginning we were going into a bit more open game, a bit less linear, but since we wanted a very very strong story, and also we went into engine limitation, we are using Unreal technology for the game, which is really a game made for linear game, a bit less for Sandbox, which actually was not Sandbox was just a bit more open.
Excellent choice there. yup...

and I think it was a very good choice
Suuuureee... i really hope Wasteland2 picks up unreal engine now!!

that’s really what the game is about; very very strong story content.
It does? it is?

One thing we tried was to put a lot of things of the books in the game, a lot of characters, a lot of places. At the time ‘What are we talking about? What is the story? What is the relation with the player?
Fuck the story!

we didn’t want to tell a story with high level problem of the king, of the queen, and you’re a nobody. You were the hero,
Oh...you didnt want to tell the story... aha... mkay... And im the HERO... how refreshing.
A Hero in supposedly world of Songs of Ice and Fire... mhmm...oh yes... tell me more...

and only then the last line comes into it...


creating children on top of dead bodies... :lol:

That is worthy of repeating it... hell, its meme worthy.


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Game doesn't look half bad. Game will probably be just that though. Oh Cyanide, wherefore art thou Cyanide?


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
RPS: I was interested that the combat was so slow and tactical, I’m saying this from the perspective of a site that is only PC games, so it’s great for that, because we like Baldur’s Gate and stuff, but are you comfortable with how that’s going to be received by the console players?

It cuts a deep, unhealing wound in my brain whenever I hear shit like this; shit reminding me that we're at the stage where shallow action-combat with light stats is described by the general gamer as "slow and tactical combat."


You fucking said it, Bunk...


does a good job.
Oct 19, 2007
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pathfinder: Wrath
Sadly I've not been excited about this since seeing the clunky-assed trailer. The world needs to create more Song of Ice and Fire shit though. Just to troll hiver.


co,mbat systemm ius a copy of Witcher2 system.

I dont get how that is not obvious... also, expect QTEs and other assorted console shit.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Huh, I wasn't even aware this thing had stat-based real time with pause time-slowing combat. Too bad there's only two characters, but hey it's one more than the Witcher.


co,mbat systemm ius a copy of Witcher2 system

I know, I remember pausing in TW2 to issue orders to my two dudes all the time, right?
You control only one dude at the time in this game as far as ive seen.
There is no time pause. There is time slow down - just as in W2 and choosing/changing skills while its going on.

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