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Development Info Dungeon Lords patched up to 1.3


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Dungeon Lords

<a href="http://www.dungeonlords.com/">Dungeon Lords</a> gets a patch. Here's the changes:
<blockquote>Version 1.3 Update (available at retail box and downloadable)
Added feature: Auto-map available for usage throughout the game world.

Version 1.2 (available at retail box)
Gameplay tweak: Two boss battles (Shaduroth, Nypherus) slightly adjusted.
Gameplay tweak: Random monster drops adjusted slightly.
Gameplay tweak: Locust spell has been slightly reduced in damage and no longer "jumps" over distances.
Gameplay tweak: Samurai/Imperial armor bonus strike/parry changed to +1 per item.
Added feature: SaveGame thumbnail images.
Bug fix: Junk inventory operates correctly now allowing players to keep
duplicates of the 18 most valuable items.
Bug fix: Potions of Power working correctly.
Bug fix: Rare cases of automatically equipped items which can't be removed.
Bug fix: Occasional Volgar double-speech at end game fixed.
Bug fix: Quest characters now remain in the world if the player runs away and enters another scene.
Bug fix: Monster summons can no longer get stuck in terrain or walls in the Demon Realm.
Bug fix: NPCs (Elderon, Morgus, Valkyra) should no longer get stuck in objects if blocked in their path.</blockquote>
Hooray for auto-maps!
Thanks, <b>Tara</b>!


Jan 29, 2005
Norway, 1967
Just wondering, did anyone here buy the game at all? I mean, not pirate it or shit, but acutally go into a store and take a copy of a shelf, and then pay for it.

If so, my sympathies.


Sep 6, 2003
Arse of the world, New Zealand
Oh well, had a brief go with the new patch primarily to see the new AutoMap, and I have to say it's both good and bad (*sigh*)

It looks great, can be zoomed in and out with numpad + and - , and you toggle it on and off with M.

However, you cannot go to a fullscreen map to see the entirety of what you have explored in that area. What this means is that it is most useful as an indicator of whether you have been in a certain area before, but less useful as a device for planning your route in advance. Most of what it shows in its current 'mini-map only' state is stuff you can see from your characters viewpoint anyway.
Unless you zoom it really far out, but then at the resolution I play at the details get so small that it is difficult to make out stuff. Oh well, I guess it's usable to a certain extent then.

At least you can explore the local filesystem in Explorer and view the full maps that way (bmp format), if you get truly frustrated.

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