Tags: Dungeon Siege 2
<a href="http://www.gamerdad.com/">GamerDad</a> has <A href="http://www.gamerdad.com/detail.cfm?itemID=2490">a review</a> of <A href="http://www.gaspowered.com/ds2">Dungeon Siege 2</a>. The score is a <b>4/5</b> and the gore might be a bit much for the wee tykes per the kid factor part. Anyway, here's a clip:
<blockquote>That brings up a significant point: The game is easy. It's almost too easy for people who have experience with this genre. The flip-side is that kids who pick up this game are unlikely to get frustrated. Even when things turn nasty and the entire party is wiped out (beware the Mimic), all that is required is a quick trip to the local necromancer and a little donation of gold off the bodies. With that you are up and running with all of your equipment again, essential for insuring a quick return to the fray. </blockquote>
If they're not frustrated, i.e. challenged, aren't they going to get bored too?
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.bluesnews.com">Blue's News</A>
<a href="http://www.gamerdad.com/">GamerDad</a> has <A href="http://www.gamerdad.com/detail.cfm?itemID=2490">a review</a> of <A href="http://www.gaspowered.com/ds2">Dungeon Siege 2</a>. The score is a <b>4/5</b> and the gore might be a bit much for the wee tykes per the kid factor part. Anyway, here's a clip:
<blockquote>That brings up a significant point: The game is easy. It's almost too easy for people who have experience with this genre. The flip-side is that kids who pick up this game are unlikely to get frustrated. Even when things turn nasty and the entire party is wiped out (beware the Mimic), all that is required is a quick trip to the local necromancer and a little donation of gold off the bodies. With that you are up and running with all of your equipment again, essential for insuring a quick return to the fray. </blockquote>
If they're not frustrated, i.e. challenged, aren't they going to get bored too?
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.bluesnews.com">Blue's News</A>