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Additional content: What would you like to see?


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
Getting some extra dialogue or info from NPCs when you have high enough Thought Control. Could even be made as a check against NPCs resolve. Always bugged me that I cannot fully use Thought Control in a subtle manner even though it is my favorite mental discipline.


Apr 23, 2015
Quite some time ago Styg mentioned that Cyberware and body implants were planed for underrail but scrapped due to time restraints and such , also it was said that they might be introduced in content update , now its the time to deliver :P

Black Angel

Jun 23, 2016
Getting some extra dialogue or info from NPCs when you have high enough Thought Control. Could even be made as a check against NPCs resolve. Always bugged me that I cannot fully use Thought Control in a subtle manner even though it is my favorite mental discipline.
Yeah, this is pretty much my main gripe with Underrail this far. Very, VERY early in the game we get to see Bisson (Psychokinesis teacher in SGS) using his Psychokinesis to help dealing with the rubble blocking the train tracks; that was actually a pretty good example for the players to know, "Oh, you can use psionics (or maybe even other skills in general) to interact with the environment that way". To my chagrin, there's NOTHING like that, even in Deep Caverns. Sure, there was some environmental interaction with STR and AGI, but there's too little can be found in the game.


Jan 14, 2016
Institute of Tchort
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Quite some time ago Styg mentioned that Cyberware and body implants were planed for underrail but scrapped due to time restraints and such , also it was said that they might be introduced in content update , now its the time to deliver :P

Yes, please.


Lurker King

The Real Fanboy
Jan 21, 2015
  • The house was a wasted opportunity. Make the house available early on and implement a series of quests associated with the house.
  • The game needs more flavor C&C. The game world needs to acknowlege the things you did in important quests, even if is only using some simple sentences, for instance, "RIP Black Eels!", etc.
reduce timer for super steel. i found out about it way too late and now making super steel means keeping the game running for hours on background, that's really not cool.

The problem is that Underrail, given its abundance of perk-combos, weapons and exploration, is fated to be broken. There is no way around this and that is okay, because players will play this game to have awesome combos. Styg should just acknowledge this vocation and unerf everything. When I wait for another set of super steel plates I don’t feel like “I can’t wait until I have them”, instead I feel like I wasting my time again because the developer is trying to fix something that cannot be fixed.

What can change the nature of a game? Nothing. Styg, stop trying to change the nature of Underrail with nerfs and time sinking repetitive activities. You are just punishing your players for enjoying a broken, but awesome, game.
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Black Angel

Jun 23, 2016
  • Make the house available early on.
Personally, I really wouldn't mind this. Having access to it right after finishing up on a Core City's faction questline (despite the said questline(s) being somewhat too short for my taste) felt just right.

The real problem, however, like many has said in the other thread, was that it was placed way too far into the area, going to it felt so tedious from merchant levels and the train station. The merchants level, I can tolerate, but the house I personally cannot. To solve this predicament, I think there's 2 ways that somewhat fit the worldbuilding for Core City:
  • Have some merchants available to the player character, when the house is acquired, in the area around the house. I mean, look at that:

Plenty of spaces/room for merchants, hell that building which I assume a warehouse in the west, why wouldn't there be any merchant inside? Or maybe have another map adjacent to this one, where all of the merchants gathers to sell expensive but high quality stuffs, exclusive to the residents and, more importantly, an officer of Coretech/Praetorian/JKK.

As for the background of these merchants, maybe have the Talloski family handling these merchants in the residential area, or maybe unique NPCs with a their own background? That right there is a ground for some creative writing. Maybe even have these merchants contribute to a sidequest(s) tied to the house?
  • Have a private elevator exclusive to the residents, which would end up somewhere in the Drop Zone, but the Drop Zone area that's close to the train station. I suggest one of these maps be the lowest floor the private elevator can reach:




Or maybe have another map between/adjacent to any of these maps to place the private elevator, which also would be heavily guarded by the Praetorian, assisted by turrets. I always get an impression that for someone to live in the residential area, especially in the map where the player's house is in particular, they have to be an important person valuable to the Core City, and that means an officer of either faction in Core City. That means anybody living there shouldn't had to waste their time having to walk all the way to the elevator simply to get to the train station of Lower Underrail, and neither waste their time getting to the merchants in the second level of the City.

This is just my personal opinion, though. I'm curious as to what others think of this. I remembered Mac_Orion mentioned something about logical worldbuilding, and to me what I suggested were pretty logical, and not just for convenience. Access to these merchants and the private elevator to the city would require quite some effort on player's part, and that is finishing a faction questline, and I'd say it's rather worth it if it's that way.

Lurker King

The Real Fanboy
Jan 21, 2015
  • Make the house available early on.
Personally, I really wouldn't mind this. Having access to it right after finishing up on a Core City's faction questline (despite the said questline(s) being somewhat too short for my taste) felt just right.

I disagree. The house comes late in the game and the player cannot create any emotional investment at this point. If you have the house earlier, you can improve the house while you improve your character. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that he could implement faction quests related to your house, for instance, the house could be attacked from another faction in retaliation for your actions.

The real problem, however, like many has said in the other thread, was that it was placed way too far into the area, going to it felt so tedious from merchant levels and the train station.

He can fix this easily by adding an elevator next to the door of the house.

Black Angel

Jun 23, 2016
I disagree. The house comes late in the game and the player cannot create any emotional investment at this point. If you have the house earlier, you can improve the house while you improve your character. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that he could implement faction quests related to your house, for instance, the house could be attacked from another faction in retaliation for your actions.
Now that I think about it, you can hold off from even joining any of the Core City's factions, so you can literally restrict access to the house far past mid-game. It would have been much better to allow possible access to the house immediately when you ask around the residential area, or maybe at least as soon as you become a faction's official the house should've been available for purchase, instead of having to finish up an entire questline.

He can fix this easily by adding an elevator next to the door of the house.
Exactly my second point.

Lurker King

The Real Fanboy
Jan 21, 2015
Now that I think about it, you can hold off from even joining any of the Core City's factions, so you can literally restrict access to the house far past mid-game. It would have been much better to allow possible access to the house immediately when you ask around the residential area, or maybe at least as soon as you become a faction's official the house should've been available for purchase, instead of having to finish up an entire questline

The house should be available right at the south gate station. It's only logical. You already have an apartment. You could just build upon that. Housing is only well implemented if you take it seriously as a core mechanic.

He can fix this easily by adding an elevator next to the door of the house.
Exactly my second point.

I know. That's why I brofisted it. Two voices are stronger than one.
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Jul 18, 2015
Russia atchoum!
Housing is only well implemented if you take it seriously as a core mechanic.
The problem is that "housing-core machanic" for RPG sounds strange. It isn't Elona after all.
It can be a cozy nice house, something like a byproduct of some quest, a cozy nest in a dangerous world with foggy uncertain future, and not the core feature.

Lurker King

The Real Fanboy
Jan 21, 2015
Look, as long as cRPGs have some core concepts (character system with skill and stats, etc.), they can integrate any complex system you like, whether you have in mind housing, car racings, etc. What you shouldn’t do is promising a system, but delivering just a location.

Black Angel

Jun 23, 2016
Dunno about housing being "core mechanic" or if it will fit the setting, but the house in Core City already included the possibility of having bonus to Crafting, which IS a core mechanic. Even though I never really manage to get the house fully completed yet, the way it is now felt way too tedious to manage, and then it became such a huge surprise for everyone when they get down to Deep Caverns only to find out they left useful stuff in the house.. The way I see it, aside from my suggestion so it wouldn't be too tedious, there's certainly room for improvement in its implementation.

he house should be available right at the south gate station. It's only logical. You already have an apartment. You could just build upon that.
Ehh, but how would you do that? Adding simple stuff to expand the apartment? Maybe, but I don't see how can you turn it into a full-fledged house.

Besides, having it in Core City is the most logical, AND strategic one to have since it's the only access to Upper Underrail you can get from and to a place where you can store your stuff. That is, aside from your locker in the Institute (and maybe Fort Apogee, if there's any).

Lurker King

The Real Fanboy
Jan 21, 2015
Dunno about housing being "core mechanic" or if it will fit the setting, but the house in Core City already included the possibility of having bonus to Crafting, which IS a core mechanic.

Saying that it should be a core mechanic is just a different way to say that it should track player’s investment and should be connected with the rest of the game. Regarding the “this doesn’t fit the setting” argument, I don’t know what are you guys talking about. We are way past that. You start the game with your personal apartment, collects huge sums of money doing quests and have abundant technology to use.

Even though I never really manage to get the house fully completed yet, the way it is now felt way too tedious to manage, and then it became such a huge surprise for everyone when they get down to Deep Caverns only to find out they left useful stuff in the house.. The way I see it, aside from my suggestion so it wouldn't be too tedious, there's certainly room for improvement in its implementation.

The house is tedious right now because is dissociated from the rest of the game. Why would I waste my money to furnish an empty house? The house should feel like a huge achievement, but it is empty and lifeless. What we need is something like the stronghold of NWN2, a place that is alive, reacts to the player improvement and entices our sense of ownership and power. Something that makes you feel like a king of your own castle. The house could have your own security guards, people paying your visits to discuss their problems and delivering quests, a personal courier to deliver an update and being attacked by other factions or the random thief. You could even employ some special characters such as Joe the beautiful to work for you in specific tasks. In short, something that rewards the player investment with game content instead of being just that place that we need to have bonus in crafting.

Besides, having it in Core City is the most logical, AND strategic one to have since it's the only access to Upper Underrail you can get from and to a place where you can store your stuff. That is, aside from your locker in the Institute (and maybe Fort Apogee, if there's any).

The problem is that by the time you earn the house, at least 70% of the game is already explored and there are probably few quests left. You need to earn the thing at the begining so that you can develop the house alongside your progression.
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Jul 18, 2015
Russia atchoum!
Regarding the “this doesn’t fit the setting” argument, I don’t know what are you guys talking about. We are way past that. You start the game with your personal apartment, collects huge sums of money doing quests and have abundant technology to use.
I talking about those games for children where you nee to dress up barby.
This game is not about that, or housing of all sort, and focus on that in game brings feeling that tthis is that dress-your-barby game.[/QUOTE]

What we need is something like the stronghold of NWN2, a place that is alive, reacts to the player improvement and entices our sense of ownership and power. Something that makes you feel like a king of your own castle. The house could have your own security guards, people paying your visits to discuss their problems and delivering quests, a personal courier to deliver an update and being attacked by other factions or the random thief. You could even employ some special characters such as Joe the beautiful to work for you in specific tasks.
Just play Elona+ - it has all you need.

The house feel like a huge achievement, but it feels empty and lifeless.
Well, feels exactly like atmosphere of Underrail's world, isn't it?
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Lurker King

The Real Fanboy
Jan 21, 2015
I talking about those games for children where you nee to dress up barby. This game is not about that, or housing of all sort, and focus on that in game brings feeling that tthis is that dress-your-barby game.

Ok, so given the lack of arguments you are regressing to name calling and noise. Riiiiiiiiight, housing it’s childish, doesn’t fit this game. This game it’s about killing creatures and using weapons to feel powerful. Pretty mature stuff, ain't it? Let’s just remember that THIS GAME ALREADY HAS HOUSING, and that the developer invested his time to implement different types of curtains, furniture, fridge, etc. It’s there, whether you like it or not. I’m just trying to suggest some ideas in order to make this thing more connected to gameplay. And please, at least have the decency to learn how to use quotes properly.

The house feel like a huge achievement, but it feels empty and lifeless.

Well, feels exactly like atmosphere of Underrail's world, isn't it?

On the contrary. Not only you have big cities filled with people to talk and stuff to do, but you also have giant caves with creatures to kill and stuff to collect. Now the house is just a place you go with nothing to do, but to see the stuff you bought. It's boring.


Sep 26, 2016
Two cents from my bag of Jew gold:

Remove "Disassemble" as a feat and make it a purchasable blueprint that requires 7 INT to learn ("Disassemble" is a great quality of life feature, but not worth a feat slot in my opinion). Furthermore, similar to the mechanic for disabling / recovering traps, if one's crafting skills are at least [X] higher than the minimum crafting skills needed for disassembly, then the 10% penalty to retrieved component quality is ignored.


Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Sep 29, 2010
Al Scandiya
In my first playthrough I killed every Coretech operative including Simmons, but it wasn't reflected in the ending. Makes me think there are more cases like that, so endings probably need to be expanded so they cover cases of wiped out leaders/factions. Ending slides are serious business!

As for more complex stuff, I really enjoyed Core City, definitely my favourite area after Deep Caverns, so I wish it could be expanded. It was a shame all the questlines ended so abruptly, would have been fun to be able to keep working for one of the oligarchs to be able to end the game in Core City after loyal service. Coretech would certainly want the cube back, for example, so it wouldn't really be a stretch to have the oligarchs send you to the Institute just like Tanner does. Also, some extra quests would be cool, like abducting/killing Simmons' son for Knight.

Oh yeah, a quest to rat out Gorsky and his crew to the Protectorate (kind of like the way you can take out Abram) would be pretty neat as well. Ideally without all of SGS turning hostile like they currently do when you gun him down.


Sep 11, 2007
I agree with factions and and a bit more reactivity, still the Oligarchs seemed to be oblivious to the plot (at least Praetorian Security did) so I'm not sure how much role they can play in the end game.

Crafting should have sub-menus similar to inventory, like weapons / armors / extraction etc. I think disassemble should stay as a feat, but its penalty could start higher and maybe reduced by relevant skills?

Less fishing or alternative methods for end-game biology recipes :negative:


Jan 26, 2016
Less fishing or alternative methods for end-game biology recipes :negative:
This. Additional source of Prednisone Solution would be really useful after finishing main quest.

I'd also like to be able to continue research on XAL and eventually turn it into AL.


Aug 17, 2014
Less fishing or alternative methods for end-game biology recipes :negative:
This. Additional source of Prednisone Solution would be really useful after finishing main quest.

I'd also like to be able to continue research on XAL and eventually turn it into AL.

Talking about boring biology grind, I'm sure alternative source(s) of gizzard enzymes would also be appreciated. Borers are doubly worth their name.


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
Doing some more playthroughs and here are some flavour changes I'd like to see, maybe even before the expansion comes out as a sort of mini update to wet our appetites:

1.) Actual reload animations
2.) A real sprint animation
3.) An idle animations or two for NPCs especially those who are always stationary
4.) More profession animations like that chemist does in the mines in Foundry or the guys working the liquid metal

Some quality of life changes:

1.) Fast walk toggle for city maps
2.) Unequip button for weapons and quick slots so I do not have to unequip everything when needed
3.) An additional quickbar would be nice for some of my exotic builds and pure PSI builds

Black Angel

Jun 23, 2016
4.) More profession animations like that chemist does in the mines in Foundry or the guys working the liquid metal
This. Seriously, right next to those guys working the liquid metal are people supposedly working on administration/accounting/listing/whatever it is on the table right in front of transition area to the first map of Foundry and what are they doing? Nothing. Not even the default animation for lockpicking/hacking/recharging that we always see with our character. It's..... weird.

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