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Age of Decadence Released

Jul 21, 2009
Once and Future Wasteland
Serpent in the Staglands Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Persuading centurion to let you in to Antidas might be faster than doing the outpost quest
True, especially since then you don't have an extra mandatory talk to Gaelius scene, and you can dump lore and put more on axe to kill the construct faster.

That build also isn't ideal. I certainly didn't need 6 con, would have been better off dumping that and per entirely to buff str to 10. Could probably dump dodge too and just go with axe and persuasion for skills.


Iron Tower Studio
Apr 21, 2004
Over the hills and far away
Noticed another bug where the game crashes in the middle of whirlwind attacks. Doesn't happen every time though, so no idea what causes it.

Happened twice so far, once in Teron gang fight behind the tavern, once in the first IG assault on the guild.

Did you send a crash report? If yes, did you specify your email, so I can identify it and take a look?


Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Sep 29, 2010
Al Scandiya
Unfortunately not, I didn't actually realise I could. Will see about sending one if it happens again (only had the issue in those two Teron fights).


Nov 20, 2010
casting coach
Just did it for the lulz.

Started as merc, so I'd have armor and a decent weapon without buying it. 7,8,6,5,10,4 stats, only skills were axe, dodge, persuasion, and lore. Let the assassin leave, didn't escort the dude to the thieves guild. Went to Feng to talk about the map because you can't talk to Dellar without doing that. Then went to Dellar, got the outpost quest. Went to the outpost and raised persuasion and lore to 4 each, fixed it and went to Maadoran. Talked to Abukar to get Domitius information, talked to Domitius, told Gaelius to shove off, left for Ganezzar to talk to cartographer dude, went to Hellgate. Leveled persuasion up to 6 (not sure what the Bennie check is) and rest went to axe. Killed the robot easily, got the amulet, and the rest is obvious. Took me less than 10 minutes total and I made a few mistakes that took time (tried to talk to Dellar before Feng and Domitius before Abukar, also went to bandit camp for free XP that I didn't need).
Did a bit differently. Started as Merc (was maybe 4/6/5/10/10/5). You need civic skillpoints so focus on those stats for that reason.

Buy amulet from Feng, put 1 in streetwise to intimidate Cassius, do that. Talk to Dellar, get thrown out of Teron. In Maadoran talk to Abukar, who gives location of Saross. Go to Saross, kill prospector (not easy for this guy, but doable, buy some nets. Put points to Lore and get Inferiae / Arch location from downstairs. Go to Inferiae, talk to Azra, get Ganezzar location on your map from there. Go to Ganezzar. Buy amulet from dude outside, go to Cartographer (he behaves as if you'd talked to Domitius even when you haven't). Visit Hellgate and Arch for skillpoints (could skip this if you could kill prospector with less fighting stats for charisma instead). Go to Dead River, fix the generator (pump crafting/lore), go in. Leave the casket undistrubed if you want an ending slide, since waking it up bugs the game out (you don't have a viable candidate to return to to make king of the world, so you're stuck in the room with no way to leave).

Anybody know a faster way to get Ganezzar without going through Antidas/Domitius? In order to get a run with the least skillpoints earned. If you could bypass the combat with prospector, too, that would be nice.

Another thing I figured out is that you can go to the kebab stand dude, then kill the guard there, and get thrown out of Teron that way. Then you'd have zero completed quests in your quest log. But in real time that takes longer ofc. Wouldn't have to put a point in streetwise, then also.

What are you guys doing in Hellgate, how does that help you get across in Dead River? I've only done it fixing the generator and killing the scorpions way.
Jul 21, 2009
Once and Future Wasteland
Serpent in the Staglands Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Buy amulet from Feng, put 1 in streetwise to intimidate Cassius, do that. Talk to Dellar, get thrown out of Teron.

Smart, that's probably way faster than fixing the mine and requires way fewer skill points.

What are you guys doing in Hellgate, how does that help you get across in Dead River? I've only done it fixing the generator and killing the scorpions way.

There's an entrance to the temple in Hellgate. You just need to get the key from the unlocked box, then you can unlock a door that goes straight to the ziggurat, though you do have to run through a set of lasers that decreases your max HP if your lockpick isn't high enough.


Nov 20, 2010
casting coach
Ah. Went there again with my IG guy who finished the game, somehow I had missed that door completely, with key in hand and everything.

The downside with the getting thrown out is that you can't talk to Domitius to gain Ganezzar location, resulting in the Saross / Inferiae detour. But going that route and then to Hellgate you could concentrate only on combat skills (plus 3 lore to find Inferiae location).

Then there's ambiguity which start is the best. Loremaster has some strong upsides, he starts at Feng's so he can get the +Lore and +Lockpick (which also gives 5 civic points to spend elsewhere) from there. In Dead River way this wasn't an option since Loremaster can't get the crystal.
A pure combat character could also easily go to the kebab seller and kill the guard there, and get thrown out with an empty completed quests list if that's important to you.


Nov 20, 2010
casting coach
Pretty sure this is the fastest way to speedrun:

Pick Drifter. 4/4/4/8/10/10 for example.
3 Persuasion.
Go through vignette.
Talk to Feng, buy amulet, agree to do Cassius.
Lead Cassius to Dellar, convince Dellar to give you 2 minutes with Antidas (charisma/persuasion check), talk to Antidas.
Go to Maadoran, talk to Domitus.
Go to Ganezzar, talk to Cartographer.
Go to Dead River, pump Crafting and Lore (might be 5 and 8 needed, anyway you've got enough and some leftover too). Fix generator, put crystal in.
You're at the temple, you don't have enough points to blow it up but you can either walk away or make it support either Gaelius or Antidas as you wish.

No fights, just a handful of locations, very simple.


Iron Tower Studio
Oct 27, 2006
San Isidro, Argentina
Ah. Went there again with my IG guy who finished the game, somehow I had missed that door completely, with key in hand and everything.

The downside with the getting thrown out is that you can't talk to Domitius to gain Ganezzar location

You can since the last update. Talk to Abukar, show him the map.


Dec 28, 2013
Guys I need some advice with our friend Miltiades
How do I continue doing his honest and fair quests after I've made him a Lord in Maadoran? He just sits on his ass and keeps repeating he'll need me soon.


Thanks.I never found out what that was about though. Is it available for every class? I only heard the guards asking about him and that was all.
It's really a weird quest trigger
Near the gate there is a house with a ladder next to it. Click on the ladder and enter the room upstairs


Dec 28, 2013
I'm now playing as a thief with a bow, dodge, steal, sneak, lockpick, crit.
I'm in Maadoran, TG6 I think? The palace infiltration mission.
I gotta say it seems to me that there's tons of skillchecks required of me if I'm to go through the Thief quest line somewhat reasonably. I'm stuck at the palace, gotta try to level up CS to 6 but I've had to put my points all over the place because of the quests or maybe I just fucked up everywhere. I read similar opinions on the ITS forum so it seems people agree that "Thief" encompasses many archetypes and it's kinda hard to fit into the quests.
Besides, I think I fucked up by taking the bow, now I have a real hard time farming some SPs via combat to be able to complete the skillchecks. If I can't complete the thief quests I'll restart.

I also read this complaint and I totally agree because I immediately thought it was pretty strange:
why the fuck do I have to go assassinate the Maadoran Lord as a thief? Especially taking a Boatman with me? I kinda thought that you pay the Boatmen to do this shit and we already paid one, couldn't have we paid 2? I'm totally ill-suited for this task, or maybe any other task, I think I screwed up the point distribution for the first time.


Apr 16, 2004
Elhoim friendly reminder about adding NUMPAD support for selecting dialogue options via 1, 2, 3, etc. The new 0009/0010 builds didn't include it.


Dec 28, 2013
Elhoim was the camera bug on the loremaster's tower fixed? The one where sometimes the camera gets stuck in the edge of the map when you walk to the first floor and you can't interact with anything after that?


Oct 25, 2007
Codex 2012 Codex 2014 Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
I'm now playing as a thief with a bow, dodge, steal, sneak, lockpick, crit.
I'm in Maadoran, TG6 I think? The palace infiltration mission.
I gotta say it seems to me that there's tons of skillchecks required of me if I'm to go through the Thief quest line somewhat reasonably. I'm stuck at the palace, gotta try to level up CS to 6 but I've had to put my points all over the place because of the quests or maybe I just fucked up everywhere. I read similar opinions on the ITS forum so it seems people agree that "Thief" encompasses many archetypes and it's kinda hard to fit into the quests.
Besides, I think I fucked up by taking the bow, now I have a real hard time farming some SPs via combat to be able to complete the skillchecks. If I can't complete the thief quests I'll restart.

I also read this complaint and I totally agree because I immediately thought it was pretty strange:
why the fuck do I have to go assassinate the Maadoran Lord as a thief? Especially taking a Boatman with me? I kinda thought that you pay the Boatmen to do this shit and we already paid one, couldn't have we paid 2? I'm totally ill-suited for this task, or maybe any other task, I think I screwed up the point distribution for the first time.

Is this post the latest patch? New patch seems more forgiving with training and apparently skill checks were tweaked through the thief questline.


Dec 28, 2013
Is this post the latest patch? New patch seems more forgiving with training and apparently skill checks were tweaked through the thief questline.
I don't know, I'll check if it downloads the patch.
I'll probably restart anyway, I'm sick of walking around those sweet ruins and not getting anything out of them time and time again.


Oct 25, 2007
Codex 2012 Codex 2014 Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
I don't know, I'll check if it downloads the patch.
I'll probably restart anyway, I'm sick of walking around those sweet ruins and not getting anything out of them time and time again.

Stab the thieves guild in the back and join Gaelius instead when they ask you to kill him, I think it's a better questline since lore is beneficial and that's great for other areas as well.


Jan 28, 2014
Being a bowmen if pretty goddamn fun btw that multishot at close range with higher accuracy, i am enjoying this a ton more than crossbow.


Best bow i have found is one you buy from Fletcher for 500

Build was pretty combat heavy you could drop hp and dump it into intel or char but you may just have to kite more and less multishot goodness. You don't really have to go past 6 crafting as steel arrows will carry you for rest of game, i found that it really was best to go most damage bow as the shortbow just does not do enough damage to make up for the speed.

Mar 3, 2010
i've been playing this lately. it seems an intriguing "choose your own adventure". it's a shame 99 pages out of 10 end with death.

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