WO: What are some of your favourite game genres, and what have been some creative works that have stood out for you?
MCA: I enjoy survival-horror games (played Amnesia: The Dark Descent recently, loved it), but that doesn't depend on it being FPS or more 3rd person action like Dead Space/Resident Evil perspective, I just want to see how they can scare me regardless of the game genre. I also play a lot of iPhone titles, pick-up titles (I jump onto Plants vs. Zombies every once in a while because it's so addicting) and Nintendo DS - in terms of recent ones I've played, Zelda: Spirit Tracks, Puzzle Quest(s), and Dungeon Raid (when my girlfriend isn't playing it on my phone). In terms of long-term favorites, I'll go back to the hallmarks: Fallout 1, Chronotrigger, Ultima Underworld 1, and System Shock 2. These four probably had the biggest influence on my design approach of any titles I've ever played.