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Review Arx review at Gamers.com


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Arx Fatalis

<A href="http://www.gamers.com/">Gamers.com</a> has posted a rather lengthy and well written <a href="http://www.gamers.com/game/1075607">review</a> of <A href="http://www.arxfatalis-online.com">Arx Fatalis</a>, giving it an <b>8/10</b>. Here's one of the funnier parts:
<blockquote>With so many things going for this game, it's unfortunate that so many niggling elements are laced throughout to tick you off. The biggest culprit is the interface, with an inventory window that insists on opening every time you look at your character sheet, journal, or map, and then refuses to close when you close your character sheet, journal, or map, and because it's open, you can't move normally, and once you close it you put away your readied weapon for no reason, and wait, it looks like your weapon is ready now but it isn't because you're not attacking, you're dying, and, oh, there it is finally, oops, you're dead. Time to reload. </blockquote>
Then again, this is something that wouldn't happen in a turn based CRPG ever, would it?
Spotted this at <A href="http://www.rpgdot.com">RPGDot</a>


Jan 6, 2003
I thought that the inventory-flipping-open-upon-opening-other-screen bug was something that only happened to me. I never even considered the possibility of it being a general occurence, probably due to the fact that such a bug cannot possibly slip by.
Or so I thought.

And oh, nice of them to spoil the end like that. I really think it's time that reviewers start to mark some reviews as "Only for those who played the game". That way they can write a more detailed analyzis of every component without worrying about spoiling.

As it is now I never read reviews before I play games, out of fear of spoilers, and all the reviews I read after finishing them are not detailed enough.


Nov 9, 2002
Monkey Island
Flarnet said:
I really think it's time that reviewers start to mark some reviews as "Only for those who played the game". That way they can write a more detailed analyzis of every component without worrying about spoiling.

Reviews are meant to tell people whether or not the game is worth buying. What's the point of telling someone who has already shelled out the cash for the game whether or not his purchase was worth the money and make all the people who are wondering whether or not to buy it keep on wondering?


Nov 9, 2002
Monkey Island
I agree with you. My point is that the solution is not to write reviews for people who ahve already bought the game, but for reviewers to write better reviews.

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