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Review Arx review at Games First


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Arx Fatalis

<a href="http://www.gamesfirst.com/">Games First</a> has <A href="http://www.gamesfirst.com/reviews/todd/arx_fatalis/arxfatalis.htm">reviewed</a> the cave touring, monster killing <A href="http://www.arxfatalis-online.com">Arx Fatalis</a>. Here's a clip:
<blockquote>Arx Fatalis also provides interesting content with its "combination" system. Say you find a fresh fish during your quest. Sushi hasn?t hit yet so what use is raw meat? Arx adds a deeper layer here by requiring you cook your food at times. You?d do this by "combining" fire and a fresh fish. You can also go deeper and try to cook other things like pies. This requires different ingredients like water and flour along with the proper utensils to prepare it. Players may also make their own potions much like the alchemists in Morrowind and Asheron?s Call. Determined craftsmen in Arx Fatalis may even find ways to catch their own fish by fashioning a fishing pole. Additions like these really should become mandatory in all RPG?s because they add so much value to your experience by providing fun diversions that still prove useful to the quest.</blockquote>
Frankly, I like my meat a little raw.
Spotted this at <A href="http://www.rpgdot.com">RPGDot</a>.

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