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Ash of Gods on Kickstarter


Studio Draconis
May 6, 2011
Middle Empire
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
  • А small team needn't mean a weak one. Opponents take turns to making moves, either performing some action with a character or using one of their cards. After all of a team's characters have made their moves, a new round begins for that team. This works to the advantage of small teams, as they will begin a new round sooner, which gives them the opportunity to use their strongest cards before their opponents can do so.
Does it work like the initiative system of the Banner Saga (if you are 2 vs 4, each of your characters will play each character twice while the opponents plays each once)? Or does it mean that the party that ends its turn first gets to act first on the next round?

Sneaky Seal

Aurum Dust
Sep 14, 2016
Does it work like the initiative system of the Banner Saga (if you are 2 vs 4, each of your characters will play each character twice while the opponents plays each once)? Or does it mean that the party that ends its turn first gets to act first on the next round?

It is done similarly, so parties take turns: if you have characters AAAA and the enemy has ZZ, it will be A-Z-A-Z-A-Z-A-Z, though both of you can select in what order to use the units in each turn. This leaves both sides a fighting chance until the very end.

However, the issue with the Banner Saga was that you benefited from leaving enemies alive with low HP - they did take up turns but didn't do any real damage. We do not have this - in Ash of Gods health (HP) and attack (AT) are two diffrent values.

Also, keep in mind that all the powerful attacks cost HP and MP - so a 2-men party simply won't have as much resources to use during the combat vs a 4-men one.

Realisticly, the way a 2-men party can win is by smart positioning and skill usage and by using cards - with only 2 turns per round their round counter will go up faster and they can use high-level cards (unless the enemy can counter it with a card that decreases the round nubmer).

Meanwhile, we got some great news! Ash of Gods already managed to collect more than 25% of the goal thanks to you. That's a decent result. As our sincere gratitude we decided to make a special present for you and upgraded $35, $45 and $65 tiers. Everyone who backed us on this level will get additional rewards.

We also published a sneak preview of our comics (Kickstarter special item) and new battle track written by our wonderful composer Adam Skorupa.

Learn more about it https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/aurumdust/ash-of-gods/posts/1896339https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/aurumdust/ash-of-gods/posts/1896339

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Sneaky Seal

Aurum Dust
Sep 14, 2016
Did you cancel your own 2k that you pledged on the first day or what is it? It was 22k yesterday, it's 20k today.

Somebody picked a $2.5k tier and then cancelled his pledge, it happens daily, it's just more noticeable with a large sum like this. I like how you keep track of how we are doing :love:

them soundtrack are top

Yes, they are pretty dope, for a lack of a better word, we might post some more in the future updates.


sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
like how you keep track of how we are doing
bw careful of what you wish for. This is the codex. Next time you go home, check corners, nook and crannies for hidden camera, bug, microphones and check out bushes and rooftops for suspicious people.

This probably apply to every single person on the team including the janitor.

Sneaky Seal

Aurum Dust
Sep 14, 2016
bw careful of what you wish for. This is the codex. Next time you go home, check corners, nook and crannies for hidden camera, bug, microphones and check out bushes and rooftops for suspicious people.
This probably apply to every single person on the team including the janitor.

We do not have a janitor, on the team, we only have the one that works for the office building. Or at least that is what he says.

A new update, that covers the history of the world of the game Ash of Gods, is already available on Kickstarter.

Learn more about the past of the Terminium - events that took place hundreds of years before the events of the game, but determined its nature and structure at the time of your journey.


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Sneaky Seal

Aurum Dust
Sep 14, 2016
Girl nameless one?


Can you give a tldr on the history in form of bullet points?

I did try to write it several times, but every time felt like I'm missing something important when shortening it. I will do it during the week with the help of the author of the game's story, post it here and tag.

Meanwhile, another Kickstarter update is avaiable - this time we talk about about one of our most crucial, but difficult, labor-intensive and expensive activities — the creation of combat animation for our characters.

You can read it on our Kickstarter page.


Sneaky Seal

Aurum Dust
Sep 14, 2016
It has slowed down considerably. I hope this gets funded. Update 2 was awesome and as a lorefag, it hit all the right buttons for me.
Do you expect the numbers will raise Sneaky Seal

We sure hope so — we try to post regular updates exanding on different aspects of the game (another lore-centered one is coming by the way), and tap into those sources we have not utilized yet — such as traditional media and influencers. We've gathered third of the goals in the first 2 weeks, which is not great, but it might pick up towards the end of the campaign.

We have actually just posted another update that in which we touch upon a topic that is very important to us — game's visual style.

On one hand — it is one of the most imporant features of the games, what makes it stand out and what gets its a lot of it praizes. On another hand — it is the part of the game that raizes most of the questions, in particular the similarities between our style and the on of Banner Saga.

In this update you can find out how Ash of Gods' style was created, what were the artists inspired by, what materials they had based they work on.

As always you can read the update on our Kickstarter page.



sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
a tweet from cris avellone probably will fill a stretch gal.

back then, https://www.kickstarter.com/project...hological-rpg-about-revenge-and-lo?ref=jsicxa that one i backed too got avellone commented on the KS

alot of problem with KS projects are visibility. most people dont even know the project exist. shout out from famous poeple in certain community will help, but it maybe can be really hard. you are doing the shout out with other projects, i suppose they promote yours too? if you can get a larger project to make a shout out, like the current pathfinder kickstarter i et you mill make at least into 2 stretch goal aside from the initial goal.

Sneaky Seal

well, only way to find out is to pitch your project to the RPG celebs relentlessly. maybe some youtube channel like codex darling matt chat ought to get some dozens of investors.

Sneaky Seal

Aurum Dust
Sep 14, 2016
Yeah, i read the artstyle update, it wad excellent imo, i dunno why it dont get much coverage :(

I guess it's interesting if you're already in the game and want to learn more about the visual style. We hope to address some of the qustions with the visual similarity to the Banner Saga and maybe get some media to write on it, but it didn't work out well.

You really need some shoutouts! InXile, Obsidian, Larian or someone like that.

Yeah, that would have helped. Obsidian guys are great, they've backed our campaign and mentioned us on Twitter. We didn't succeed in reaching out to the other companies, but we should probably try again.

a tweet from cris avellone probably will fill a stretch gal.

back then, https://www.kickstarter.com/project...hological-rpg-about-revenge-and-lo?ref=jsicxa that one i backed too got avellone commented on the KS

alot of problem with KS projects are visibility. most people dont even know the project exist. shout out from famous poeple in certain community will help, but it maybe can be really hard. you are doing the shout out with other projects, i suppose they promote yours too? if you can get a larger project to make a shout out, like the current pathfinder kickstarter i et you mill make at least into 2 stretch goal aside from the initial goal.

Sneaky Seal

well, only way to find out is to pitch your project to the RPG celebs relentlessly. maybe some youtube channel like codex darling matt chat ought to get some dozens of investors.

Chris is busy with the Pathfinder I guess, we did try to get some support from him, but it didn't happen after all. Now I can say we didn't do a great job working with the influencers and media.

You got a shout out from Ealdorlight, that's something at least

Oh, yeah, that is great, we'll do the same for them probably.

Anyway, here's something interesting: the story of our game is written by a published fantasy author Sergey Malitsky. He is the author of several successful russian novels, such as "Arban Saes" or "Ashes of the Gods".

Sergey not only creates the plot of the game, but also works with the narrative designer Dmitry writing the script for all of the plot lines, episodes, scenes and dialogues. He also wrote several short stories and stories that tell of the events that do not occur in the game, or describe them from a different perspective.

In our latest Kickstarter update we publish the first of such stories, "The Ense", which tells of the invasion ещ the Terminium by aliens wearing white masks on behalf of one of them.


Sneaky Seal

Aurum Dust
Sep 14, 2016
shoutout from the team behind Sacred Fire! I guess it's because of their newly launched Indiegogo campaign

Yep, but we've also been in touch with them sharing experiences and ideas, we are indie buddies.

In the new Kickstarter update we are talking about non-linearity, travel on global map, difficulties and decisions that a player will have to face, as well as its consequences.

Learn about narration in Ash of Gods and how your choices affects the story: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/aurumdust/ash-of-gods/posts/1913754

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Feyd Rautha

Apr 17, 2009
Nestled atop the cliffs
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Maybe this could get some front page attention to ensure a successful conclusion to the campaign?

Also wouldn't it be good if topics in this subsection showed up in general rpg discussion as well?

Sneaky Seal

Aurum Dust
Sep 14, 2016
Maybe this could get some front page attention to ensure a successful conclusion to the campaign? Also wouldn't it be good if topics in this subsection showed up in general rpg discussion as well?

Yeah, I will write to the admins tomorrow about this, good idea, thank you!

So what happened, where did the money come from? Got articles in rpshit or something like that?

Not really, though we did have some success with imgur (reached trending there). We have managed to gather more than 80% on KickStarter at the moment. That's pretty exciting, and we hope we still can make it. However, it's a bit sketchy, as most of the pledges we've got in the last few days were some large ones. several of $2500. I am not sure they will fall through, but we'll see I guess.

Anyway, here's a new update that describes the combat system and its features: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/aurumdust/ash-of-gods/posts/1916646


Sneaky Seal

Aurum Dust
Sep 14, 2016

Thank you, we are currently at 3 days till the end of campaign. 87% of initial goal. We would like to make a final dash to success that's why we've announced our first stretch goal: $80 000 — 50 additional side-quests.

We are also have a special offer for all backers. Every backer with a tier since $35 and above will be mention in the credits of the game. And everyone who backed us at $70 and above can choose between his in-game portrait for side-quest character and strix chest for multiplayer (in-game currency to purchase cards and units).

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