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Aurora Toolset and Neverwinter Nights capabilites


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
NWN's toolset is also useful for making portfolios for applications. <>

Anyways, KOTOR has some similarities with NWN graphics; but it has many differences as well. That's all that needs to be said. :D

Stephen Amber

Jun 18, 2005
NWN *is* toolset. Singleplayer is just for fun, a free addition, a small demo.

The expansions were better than the original game... Hordes of the Underdark in particular. Gotta love Deekin.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
How was Aribeth a slut? At most, she had two lovers. Moron.


Aug 5, 2004
Buffalo, NY
Volourn said:
How was Aribeth a slut? At most, she had two lovers. Moron.

Actually that pretty much DOES make her a slut. Especially since she isn't maried to either lover!


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
That doesn't make her a slut at all. Moron. Only idiots, and brainwashed people actually believe anyone who isn't married who has sex is a slut. Not to mention, we don't even know her sleeping habits. For all we know, she hasn't slept with anyone. Idiiots.

Diogo Ribeiro

Jun 23, 2003
Lisboa, Portugal
Back on topic... Is it possible to select props as spell targets? Suppose you want to cast a spell on a rock instead of an NPC or a goblin... Is this doable?

I'd ask about the possibility of levitating and controlling objects but that seems too far fetched.


Jan 19, 2004
Role-Player said:
Back on topic... Is it possible to select props as spell targets? Suppose you want to cast a spell on a rock instead of an NPC or a goblin... Is this doable?

I'd ask about the possibility of levitating and controlling objects but that seems too far fetched.

Do you mean choosing non-character targets IN GAME with spells, or via scripting? With scripting yes. In game, they must be usable, and even then some spells might not work.

As for levitating, no, however I did make a flight tool that had very little functionality (it basically just 'jumped' you to another location with a superman-esque flight animation. However, due to the engine's 'click' limitation it requires 2da editing to get much distance, at all.


Aug 5, 2004
Buffalo, NY
Volourn said:
That doesn't make her a slut at all. Moron. Only idiots, and brainwashed people actually believe anyone who isn't married who has sex is a slut. Not to mention, we don't even know her sleeping habits. For all we know, she hasn't slept with anyone. Idiiots.

See, the thing you're missing is that the word "slut" MEANS a woman who sleeps with men that she is not married to.

I agree that it's idiotic to think a girl is bad if she has sex, and the useage of the word slut should be phased out as misogynistic... however the word still applies, and Aribeth fits the definition.

That is all.



Jan 19, 2004
A woman considered sexually promiscuous.
A woman prostitute.
A slovenly woman; a slattern.

Slut has nothing to do with marriage.

Now stop debating idiotic topics 'afore I gets mah woopin' sticks.


Before you start some other meaningless debate on the subject of an animated ploygon count's relationships, the meaning of promiscuous.

Having casual sexual relations frequently with different partners; indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners.
Lacking standards of selection; indiscriminate.
Casual; random.
Consisting of diverse, unrelated parts or individuals; confused: “Throngs promiscuous strew the level green” (Alexander Pope).


May 19, 2005
What the hell is "slovenly" and "slattern"?

Is that some old english?


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Sarvis is proven a DUMBFUCK once again by Shadowstrider of all people. Good job.

Shadowstrider > Sarvis

P.S. You can target placeables in game with both spells and weapons. Of course, depending on spell it won't have effect. Like other smentioned, the palceable has to be marked as 'useable' by the modmaker.


Jan 19, 2004
Volourn said:
Sarvis is proven a DUMBFUCK once again by Shadowstrider of all people. Good job.

Shadowstrider > Sarvis

Not unlike the many times I've made you twitch like an irish rivermen.

Proving, once again, post counts don't equate post quality. Lets all give it up for Volourn.

Role-Player, it occured to me a moment ago that some people hate the glowing effect that useable placeables have when you push tab or mouse over. If you want a placeable that is ONLY useable as a spell or spell effect anchor I have a few ideas for you, depending on the needs of your module. In short, be more specific.


Feb 6, 2005
Borat's Fantasy Land
2DavidGaider: thanx for explanation.

But still the landscape is a too geometrically correct and straight sometimes, which is not possible in real life.


Jan 19, 2004
mEtaLL1x said:
2DavidGaider: thanx for explanation.

But still the landscape is a too geomtrically correct, which is not possible in real life.

If you're refering to the KotOR series, my understanding was the artists conformed with Lucas Art's specifications. Compare Telos, Taris or Manaan to Bespin. Compare Tatooine of Ep I or IV to that of KotOR.

If you mean the 'wilds' of KotOR series, like Dxun or Korriban, I didn't think they were to geometric. Confined, sure, but not geometric. The only one I though was 'str8' out of NWN was Dantooine, which looks very similar to the rural tileset, but actually had non 45 degree slopes, so its not identicle.


Aug 5, 2004
Buffalo, NY
Shadowstrider said:
A woman considered sexually promiscuous.
A woman prostitute.
A slovenly woman; a slattern.

Slut has nothing to do with marriage.

Now stop debating idiotic topics 'afore I gets mah woopin' sticks.


Before you start some other meaningless debate on the subject of an animated ploygon count's relationships, the meaning of promiscuous.

Having casual sexual relations frequently with different partners; indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners.
Lacking standards of selection; indiscriminate.
Casual; random.
Consisting of diverse, unrelated parts or individuals; confused: ?Throngs promiscuous strew the level green? (Alexander Pope).

Ok I'll retract the marriage part, that was just me being too hasty.

However sleeping with two lovers sounds pretty promiscous to me...


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"However sleeping with two lovers sounds pretty promiscous to me..."

She didn't sleep with the PC, dumbass. And, there is no proof that she ever slept with the moronic fool of a boyfriend either.

Diogo Ribeiro

Jun 23, 2003
Lisboa, Portugal
Shadowstrider said:
Role-Player, it occured to me a moment ago that some people hate the glowing effect that useable placeables have when you push tab or mouse over. If you want a placeable that is ONLY useable as a spell or spell effect anchor I have a few ideas for you, depending on the needs of your module. In short, be more specific.

Eek, I've been discovered!

Well... Not quite :razz:

I'll be honest, I have been entertaining the notion of working on a module. I can't however, say anything about it at this moment because I am waiting for Neverwinter Nights 2 to come out so I can see what toolset improvements there will be. And since I'm only at the concept stage and only discussing this project with only one other person, there's basically nothing at all to expand. I can pinpoint some of the ideas I would like to work with, though I am not sure if they can be implemented in the module.

One of them involved underwater exploration, but apparently Bioware beat me to the punch with the release of their new premium module, so it would seem that it is quite doable.

Another thing I'd like to try out was to make the firstperson perspective to become much more integral to gameplay than just leave it at a gimmick phase. By more integral I mean something in the vein of applying full on firstperson not only to exploration but also to the use of ranged weaponry. While I am not a code monkey (hell, I'm below illiteracy when it comes to coding), I suspect this might require heavy scripting... Assuming its possible at all with the engine.

Finally, the last idea I was toying around with was the ability of manipulating objects in the surrounding environments. They'd have to be scripted in order to be counted as manipulated or selectable. The concept is pretty simple and pretty much the same as seen on that Half-Life 2 mod Shagnak linked to. The player would get to select an item in the scenario and manipulate it as if he was using telekinesis (aside standard manipulation such as barrels and assorted targetable objects, of course). Basically, players would chose an item, levitate it and generally control it slightly above the ground, then direct it at a target as if it were an attack or just place it somewhere else on the ground.

There were some other minor stuff, but they're not connected to this project for now, so... That's about it :) I have other problems and doubts about the project, but they're otherwise related to finding a great model maker who can develop the creatures I'm thinking up.


Jan 19, 2004
Role-Player said:
Shadowstrider said:
Role-Player, it occured to me a moment ago that some people hate the glowing effect that useable placeables have when you push tab or mouse over. If you want a placeable that is ONLY useable as a spell or spell effect anchor I have a few ideas for you, depending on the needs of your module. In short, be more specific.

One of them involved underwater exploration, but apparently Bioware beat me to the punch with the release of their new premium module, so it would seem that it is quite doable.

Yep. Very easily.

Another thing I'd like to try out was to make the firstperson perspective to become much more integral to gameplay than just leave it at a gimmick phase. By more integral I mean something in the vein of applying full on firstperson not only to exploration but also to the use of ranged weaponry. While I am not a code monkey (hell, I'm below illiteracy when it comes to coding), I suspect this might require heavy scripting... Assuming its possible at all with the engine.

You could do something like it fairly easily. It wouldn't be perfect, but mreh.

Apply cutscene invisibility to the player (so they don't have a visual avatar) and zoom the camera in all the way. I'm not sure if it would count the player as invisible(per spell) never tried, but it could be used for some "cool" scenes.

Finally, the last idea I was toying around with was the ability of manipulating objects in the surrounding environments. They'd have to be scripted in order to be counted as manipulated or selectable. The concept is pretty simple and pretty much the same as seen on that Half-Life 2 mod Shagnak linked to. The player would get to select an item in the scenario and manipulate it as if he was using telekinesis (aside standard manipulation such as barrels and assorted targetable objects, of course). Basically, players would chose an item, levitate it and generally control it slightly above the ground, then direct it at a target as if it were an attack or just place it somewhere else on the ground.

Confident this is doable, now. I've done something similar to it without much problem.

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