You people are self-sabotaging, joyless catastrophizers. This is the first AAA turn-based D&D RPG ever, and taking into consideration the AAA part this is absolutely surreal and almost tailor-made for Codex tastes. Yes, the visuals can be a bit ...too much, but the combat and verticality, the sozzy-ness of being able to talk to people with all of your companions while your main is skulking around, the faithful adaptation of D&D 5E, the amount of physical feats you can do in combat (jump, dash, push, pull, shove, I think I saw grapple there as well), the itemisation not being random, etc. etc. are all pure incline and almost hard to believe is actually happening. Not to mention we are also getting a bunch of other RPGs, like the new Pathfinder, Realms Beyond, Solasta, Colony Ship, and so on. This is fantastic, we should be overjoyed.