With Resolve one ought to know what the actual checks are, simply d100 vs resolve, 100-resolve? On 15hp dmg, on contact, on friendlies breaking/dying? So that one can actually guesstimate if its worth it to push into 50s. Like I know that 30s start wavering on contact so I push my mercs into 45 and consider it passable but they do start wavering if I fuck up in certain places in a frontline... Or if the AI suddenly goes all smarty pants and decides to focus down someone...
Turned a 105 resolve sarge, doesnt seem like its just (100 - resolve), must be their ranged skill vs resolve but not dropping below 5%
I reloaded a 1700 coin, 2 skulls, hexen contract a couple of times
There are a couple variation to them, which makes the weapon loadout such a pain.
5 Hexen without guards is a fairy easy fight
- start unarmed but with shield, sword in backpack
- keep 2 tiles distance between your brehs if you can, especially the sarge
- use shield push liberally and hide weaps if they got pulled when charmed
- pay attention to turn order, 4 charmed attacks can be turned into 1 or none with good distance and proper pushing
- no dogs, except in extreme situations
They lose the fatigue fight, at some point, they fail to hex and charm in the same turn and fail charms as well
Your mercs being fatigued actually often helps you if you keep distance
Its not really easy though, before I got to the first hexe at some point the numbers were showing a 5 vs 12 fight in their favor...
Hexen target selection is kinda random like the rest of the enemy AI.
1 Hexe and 9 Nachtzehrer including 2 swallowers - bad, barely can afford a runner to the hexe
1 Hexe and 9 Woofers, 2 or 3 rabid - eh
2 Hexen 2 Unholds, horrible... maybe go full tier 2 mace for that 10 fat per hit play and stunlock the unholds