The marketing for this game makes me want to murder anyone who will play this shit.
This is gonna be the best war shooter ever released
umad nigga
You have the tag, too. Lol. Irony at its finest. Didn't you ragequit because of all your tags on your alt accounts?
Calm down, bro.
Except my tags were the result of people betting against me that Menckenstein would defeat @crispy (except the dumbfuck tag that DarkUnderlord gave me because he envies my brofist acquiriing abilities (he zeroed my brofists so many taimes I lost count, how about you do it again?.
While your tags were the results of actually being a shit-tasted fanboy.
Btw, this game (Battlefield 1) looks grossly abhorrent and anyone who plays should be ashamed of themselves, delete their accounts and go hang out in popamole forums filled with children.