Would you say that’s better than some of the modern Football Managers?
FM is more complex and detailed than CM, but the problem is that it consumes your entire life. Haven't touched the series for a few years because I know it could lead to my demise. CM is addictive too, but it's a bit lighter and not as stressful and doesn't occupy your brain every waking moment.Would you say that’s better than some of the modern Football Managers?
Have you ever tried the PS2 version of 2008 ? It's very different and superior to the crappy PC version. I'd put it ahead of 6 and closer to 5. It does need some global changes to the stats to make it play slower though. (I did a -30 to everyone's speed & acceleration along with some other changes) 5 also benefited from some global adjustments, but not as severe regarding the speed stats.Outside of CM/FM, the most enjoyable football game is still probably PES 5. The one I've played the most is PES 6, though, largely because it toned down some of the exploits of its predecessor. After that the series got severely sidetracked and still hasn't found its way, with PES 2017 being the closest it's got to its glory years.