Awor Szurkrarz said:
Just compare it to JA2 (much older game) when it comes to the tactical RPG thingie (cNPCs, interaction with NPCs, mechanics) or even X-Com and Laser Squad (mechanics) and to Fallout when it comes to the setting (especially weapons, armour, vehicles, designs of various stuff, etc.) and you'll see that there is a lot of stuff that is wrong with Tactics.
People would bitch either way, besides people main complain about Tactics was not about the game but rather it was not Fallout 3.
Also the dumbfucks that want this to return to Interplay ... Really? have you forget Brotherhood of Steel and since Tactics been mention, Brotherhood of Steel 2.
Oh and Caen will just sell it to the highest bidder, enjoy Call of Duty: Fallout or Mass Fallout ... of all the evils, Bethesda is by far the lesser one.