How to actually enjoy Mass Effect: Andromeda
Looks like that shipment of Doritos finally arrived at Eurogamer HQ.
It's really weird isn't it that a magazine which thinks the game's shit, publishes a guide on how to tolerate a game, with the main point being don't play half of it and finish the story missions as quickly as possible. Gamers are so fucking dense and masochistic they will play something just because of a name even if they are told it is shit and can see the evidence from all the videos, they still say well I'm a Mass Effect fan so I'll buy it and play it myself. But I guess that's fanboys for you, the same would happen with a new Star Wars, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones or any of that garbage. I learned my lesson after watching Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, which was so bad it ruined the previous three films for me, now I can't watch them anymore and just watch Romancing the Stone instead
Anyway a few more reviews I've heard of...
Jim Sterling, or Stelling or whatever, made a short video with his first impressions (I won't link the video because he talks like a cunt) anyway the nub of it is he'll review it when he's played it fully but unless something seriously improves it's not going to get any more than 6/10
Giant Bomb sounds like they hated it (I believe they use a five point system) so they'll give it 2/5 or 3/5. If you've seen their round table discussion you'll see that they can't possibly rate it any higher.
Guardian just gave it 3/5...In the comments so far about seven out of the ten people who said they would be buying the game, are now not going to.
It's a fucking good job that EA gave some dodgy Spanish bloggers a goody bag and early release copies to give the game 90%plus reviews, to artificially inflate the score and then paid of Metacritic for allowing such amateur reviews to be counted, to maximise their day one sales. As it seems now the reviews from all the sites you've heard of, even shill sites, would put the average score ten points down, to mid to late 60's.
I might also have mentioned before a magazine shilling an EA press release from a few months ago that said they expected this game to sell 3million copies in it's first week, now I've seen a few more magazines that were shilling that line at the time.
To put this into perspective Dragon Age Inquisition sold about 1.2million, Mass Effect 2 about 1.2million give or take a few (I've only seen the sales figures for XBOX PS3 which is 900kplus) and I just read that ME3 sold 1.8, (originally I heard a figure of 3.5 but that must have been the first month)
So EA actually went out and stated that they thought this game would sell 2-3 times the amount of copies as more heavily promoted, far better reviewed and recieved games and in the case of the 2 ME games it continued the story of Shepherd an iconic character, which players were invested in. Does anyone actually believe this game will get anywhere near those number of sales? As I've stated before on here that the game needs to shift 600-700k on day one and a million plus in the first week to stay viable, because the drop off on people buying it will be just as bad as DA2, such is it's bad reputation.
Now from what I've seen in people comments to reviews is half or thereabouts of people who were enthusiastic for the game won't buy it, the ones that will are luke warm in there response, if you compare that to "wow awesome," "can't wait to finish my Sheperds story," "Can't wait to romance the bull." Comments that accomapanied the other games I mentioned it looks like this game will perform worse than even I expected and it would be lucky to get even half the week one sales of ME3.
So how the hell will EA explain to it's shareholders that the game sold less than 1million copies in it's first week, when it was bragging about selling 3 times that number? And expecting lifetime sales of 6-9million? When it'd be damn lucky to sell 2-3million even with large discounts?
Anyway enough jabber... Who thought this would be a funny idea?....