It's not, actually, TB/RT issue - but ranges issue. In RL, bows used from about 700 meters (eastern composite) to about 300 meters (western long- shortbows). Now show me isometric RPG where your FOV is at least 200 meters. At ranges, where combat occur in most games - using long-range bows and spells is really ineffective. When enemy comes within 30-50 or so meters from you, you should be packing your bow and taking out a melee weapon... and that's how far you can see, usually, in usual isometric games... I mean the screen distance (which, if there is zooming, can be even less). Scrolling does fix this... a little. But not always, and poorly at best.
Anyway, if memorization system to be revamped a bit (it did a bit already in NWN) - it may become playable.
Like, each spell having it's own 'volume' it'll take in your head, and time (in RL seconds) you much spend rememorizing it.
This way, you have much more flexible system - like, instead of 6 magic missiles, 3 acid arrows - you'll be able to memorize 2 extra fireballs or lightings if you want to, or memorize 20 acid arrows (or, heh, knocks or something like that) instead of all fireballs, and you'll be able to relearn spells 'manually', in real time, w/o need of full-scale rest - if you cannot rest in this place (that'll take quite a bit of RL time - but same happens in systems with replenishing mana and/or stamina).
You see? It's much more logical then 'level-based' memorization pool, and much easier to manage. And, as much as I understand, even closer to the lore. But in P&P that'll make DMs to count stuff - which they hate, while computer don't care.
Mail this idea to Bioware