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Bo: Path of the Teal Lotus - (Hollow Knight x Okami)


Jun 22, 2013
Happy release day for Bo. Backer keys went out this morning. Looking forward to a long play session today after work.


Sep 16, 2009
Tried the demo last month, gave up due to the "traversing maps = multiple jumps from one midair shit to another" prestigious design idea.
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Jun 22, 2013
First play session logged. It's damn fine, not sure if it's going to reach the excellence of the best the genre has seen, but after an hour I had a great time and am eager to return.

+the movement mechanics are excellent and controls are butter. Chaining together dashes by hitting props feels great and makes zipping through levels a joy, especially after you had to do without the dash ability

edit: fuck, I see plenty of posts on Steam forums saying that platforming is "hard" b/c the game doesn't have a double jump, instead it forces you to engage with this pogo mechanic. FFS. I hope they don't cave.

+level design has been linear but varied enough to keep me engaged
+bosses strike a solid middle ground between easy and hard but they feature fun moves that make use of the pogo mechanics
+perk system: like Hollow Knight, you can equip modifiers that affect your damage inflicted/received, etc.
+the game is gorgeous. it instantly reminds me of Okami. The music and sound complements it perfectly.
-you cannot annotate the map, not sure how big of a deal this will be in the end, so I've taken out a notepad to mark POI I want to return to
-linearity, I really hope the game branches out soon. I've just reached the first main hub, and I suspect it will start branching
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Lyre Mors

Nov 8, 2007
I'm about 4 hours in. The game is fantastic and has only been getting better with every hour played. When I get a little further I'll try to come back with a bit of a pros/cons list, but overall this is one of the best metroidvanias I've played in a long time.


Jun 22, 2013
Rolled credits. Some final thoughts:

Bo excels in the platforming department. It makes heavy use of the pogo mechanic, whereby your jump and dash are restored whenever you connect with your melee weapon while airborne. This makes traversing the rooms very fun not only b/c you can do so with great speed, but because it's up to you and your skill level to get the job done. I can already foresee skilled players making use of different movement abilities in combination to zip across the map. The boss fights do make use of this mechanic, but I felt only the final 2 were appropriately difficult. The final boss is excellent and I wish the prior ones had a similar amount of care and as extensive a moveset.

All told, this is a much more compact experience that harkens back to titles like The Messenger and Hollow Knight. My favorite thing about the game is that much of its platforming IS skill based, requiring you to learn and master the pogo mechanic. It is on the easy side, and will net you 10-15 hours of playtime for a thorough playthrough.

Will return for the DLC.
:3.5/5: - flirts with greatness, but doesn't quite reach it consistently enough.

4 favorite tunes:

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