Okay, I like fries. I'm also 1st generation American so the french didnt help shit during any revolutions in my people's time. Guess what, lady? I'm half Italian. My people concured all the known world. Guess what else? I'm half cape verdean. I'm part niger, part port-a-gee. Guess what else? You're a fucking pussy probably. Guess what else. My cock is probably way fucking than yours. Guess what else? My parents were born in neither Cape Verea or Italy (sicily). My dad, the part niger was born in pussy land, also know as france. My mother was born in tunis. My mother was born into an arabic country that was a french territory and was sicilian. And its in Africa.
And guess what else? You're stupid. France is gay. Fuck france. Fuck canada. And fuck any other whinney ass pussy country filled with cry baby bitches. Fuck em. Right in their bitch asses. I'd love to tie freedom fries into my pubic hairs and tea bag you, you fucking queer. Fuck the south while we're at it. I can't stand those fuckers either. And the irish of course. Little short stinky bastards and their beady eyes. And the English. Their pussies too. And college kids. They are basically french, or at best maybe french canadian. Who cares, it all equals pussy. Like you, pussyface.