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Arcanum Chris Avellone Arcanum LP



Jun 18, 2010
Someone should get him to play Demon's Souls/Dark Souls.

You can learn the true nature of a man based on how he rages at the difficult/nearly impossible.
The joke will be on us when he breezes through Dark Souls. :drink:.

You mean there are people out there who didn't?


Oct 11, 2012

St. Toxic

Jun 9, 2006
Yemen / India
Dark Souls is easy, because such a big part of the difficulty hinges on trial and error and you're never horribly penalized for failing. Demon's Souls is another story.


Codex's Heretic
Feb 2, 2007
Terra da Garoa
MCA can just avoid Dark Souls by saying he's bad at action games and all that... is him failing so horribly at a fucking cRPG that is an abomination.


Oct 11, 2012
MCA can just avoid Dark Souls by saying he's bad at action games and all that... is him failing so horribly at a fucking cRPG that is an abomination.
Who says he is bad at action games? :troll: cRPGs are another matter


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
Someone should get him to play Demon's Souls/Dark Souls.

You can learn the true nature of a man based on how he rages at the difficult/nearly impossible.
The joke will be on us when he breezes through Dark Souls. :drink:.

You mean there are people out there who didn't?
I haven't played it, i don't like action games. But i have seen it described as hard, even here on the Codex...

He's trolling you.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
It's pretty hard; shut up. It's not Ninja Gaiden or anything but any "normally difficult" game is fucking brain surgery to the gamer of today.

Don't feel bad, Drago, it was pretty hard. Demon's Souls was easier. (This is an invalid statement; the one you play second is easier because the one you play first teaches you very good habits.)

People just like to be assholes and be all like? HARD? PAHAHAHAH FOR YOU MAYBE!!!

:smug: :smug: :smug: ;DraQ:

Nocturne? BWAHAHAHA WHAT A CAKEWALK! Bayonetta on Climax with the rage accessory? CHILD'S PLAY! DMC 3? I beat that SSS ranking everything when I was 3!

You really piss me off with that.
Jan 7, 2012
Dark Souls and Demons Souls are legitimately easy games as soon as you start being careful. Some players are already careful before they start the tutorial. Other players become careful after dying a few times in 1-1 or the undead burg, perhaps a bit later. These are both entirely normal. Then you have the actual retards who refuse to become careful or understand how the game works after dying dozens of times in every level, resolutely declaring that the reason a brick wall doesn't yield to their face is because the brick wall was constructed incorrectly. These are the people who declare DkS/DeS "hard".

DMC/Ninja Gaiden requirea high level of mechanical skills to play. DkS/DeS do not. Nocturne requires a large amount of foresight and planning, DkS/DeS do not.

MCA's problem probably stems more from the fact that he is playing this game so sporadically and apparently isn't interested in it at all. And perhaps the fact that he is legitimately horrible at games, to a certain degree.

St. Toxic

Jun 9, 2006
Yemen / India

It's just less forgiving. There's, what, 3 gates to the hub in every area and only one hub. Every time you die you're essentially given the DeS equivalent of Cursed status. It's imba as shit, so invasions are even more fucked up. And poison and equipment breaking is harsh; no dodging while poisoned? Attacks that completely kill the effectiveness of your weapons in 1-2 hits until you repair them? I never got to play around with it as much as I did Dark Souls, truth be told, and I'm sure there's bunch of shit one can abuse to cut down on the difficulty, but I could breeze through Dark Souls on my first playthrough after DeS.

Sure mistakes still cost you your life, but recovery is way easier -- there's soulbound healing items strewn all over the place, so even if you do fail and get sent back 25-30 m to your last bonfire you're better equipped to deal with the situation next time, on top of which you lose absolutely nothing by dying, provided you reach your pool, other than 1 humanity. Oh noes! I'll have to go kill a rat!


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007

It's just less forgiving. There's, what, 3 gates to the hub in every area and only one hub. Every time you die you're essentially given the DeS equivalent of Cursed status. It's imba as shit, so invasions are even more fucked up. And poison and equipment breaking is harsh; no dodging while poisoned? Attacks that completely kill the effectiveness of your weapons in 1-2 hits until you repair them? I never got to play around with it as much as I did Dark Souls, truth be told, and I'm sure there's bunch of shit one can abuse to cut down on the difficulty, but I could breeze through Dark Souls on my first playthrough after DeS.

Sure mistakes still cost you your life, but recovery is way easier -- there's soulbound healing items strewn all over the place, so even if you do fail and get sent back 25-30 m to your last bonfire you're better equipped to deal with the situation next time, on top of which you lose absolutely nothing by dying, provided you reach your pool, other than 1 humanity. Oh noes! I'll have to go kill a rat!

Um, not really. Both games are simple once you know what you are doing. Dark Souls might have more trial and error, but it's much harder. Demon's souls is just longer.

Dark Souls? You get 10 flasks at first. You have to burn humanity to upgrade the bonfires. You also lack the summons that help make some bosses much easier. I can't believe you gave Dark Souls the win in regards to heals. 99 grass AND auto-regen items anyone?

Demon's Souls enemies are far easier and the bosses are much simpler (more so if you cheese them). The levels are bigger but I didn't find them too difficult, though 5-2 is annoying as shit.
Dark Souls? Capra Demon, S&O, Anor Londo Archers, Tomb of the Giants (And the Skeleton Beast *shivers*), FUCK YOU BED OF CHAOS. I'll take Flamelurker and co. any day over some of those bosses and enemies. Oh, how about a BP Skeleton Beast because some asshole gravelorded you? TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO!

Note that I played Dark Souls first. You already played Demon's Souls so of course Dark Souls won't seem THAT hard.

St. Toxic

Jun 9, 2006
Yemen / India
Um, not really. Both games are simple once you know what you are doing. Dark Souls might have more trial and error, but it's much harder. Demon's souls is just longer.

Bullshit. Dark also has LESS trial and error, but on top of that it's also less random. AI a lot less spazzy.


So what if you can stock up on grass? Unless you farm or dupe, you won't have infinite amounts. It's not like with humanities where getting 99 equals a handful of sewer runs -- beating the game gives you what, 50? On top of that, you can't heal v.s 1 hit kills, and with your hp halved it's exactly what you get unless you specifically invest in health.

Dark Souls? You get 10 flasks at first. You have to burn humanity to upgrade the bonfires.

Getting killed is like a handy restock of healing items. If DeS had that, it really would've been a breeze.

You also lack the summons that help make some bosses much easier. I can't believe you gave Dark Souls the win in regards to heals. 99 grass AND auto-regen items anyone?

What the fuck are you on about?

Demon's Souls enemies are far easier and the bosses are much simpler (more so if you cheese them).

Literally every boss in Dark Souls has an easy out-of-reach position for the player to abuse ranged attacks. Not a whole lot different from DeS, to tell the truth, but the idea that DaS somehow has more complex bosses? You must have shit for brains.

The levels are bigger but I didn't find them too difficult, though 5-2 is annoying as shit.

How many different builds did you try?

Dark Souls? Capra Demon, S&O, Anor Londo Archers, Tomb of the Giants (And the Skeleton Beast *shivers*), FUCK YOU BED OF CHAOS.

Right. A guy who can't get up on a platform no matter what and gives the player seconds to react to his attacks. An overrated 'circle the columns' minigame that people for some reason insist you need phantoms for. 3 dudes with dragon bows with those slow-ass arrows. And skeleton frogs that suicide when you run past them.

Bed of Chaos was a bitch when you didn't know what you were doing, but you should have enough recovery rings stocked up by then and running back there from spawn takes like 3 minutes. Doesn't compare to having to fight your way back through Blight town with crippling poison in 20 minute runs every time you want to retry a boss.

I'll take Flamelurker and co. any day over some of those bosses and enemies. Oh, how about a BP Skeleton Beast because some asshole gravelorded you? TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO!

Did they fix that? Gravelording never worked right back when I played.

Note that I played Dark Souls first. You already played Demon's Souls so of course Dark Souls won't seem THAT hard.

Fair enough, but it's still streamlined. Reworked for mass appeal, made more forgiving for all the rage-quitters out there. The bosses in both games have fairly standard boss patterns and weaknesses, there's no denying that, but the overall game mechanics have been altered to make sure people don't get too frustrated or stuck for too long. And particularly towards the endgame.

That's not to say that the game didn't have other qualities that were improved in the process. It's a smooth sailing game. But difficult? More difficult than Demon's? No way.


Codex's Heretic
Feb 2, 2007
Terra da Garoa

So what if you can stock up on grass? Unless you farm or dupe, you won't have infinite amounts. It's not like with humanities where getting 99 equals a handful of sewer runs -- beating the game gives you what, 50? On top of that, you can't heal v.s 1 hit kills, and with your hp halved it's exactly what you get unless you specifically invest in health.
That means you can farm grass for boss fights, but on Dark Souls you're limited to the flasks. It's VERY common for you to die due lack of healing items in Dark Souls, especially on long boss fights, while Demon's Souls doesn't require any managing at all if you're willing to prepare beforehand.

St. Toxic

Jun 9, 2006
Yemen / India
That means you can farm grass for boss fights, but on Dark Souls you're limited to the flasks.

Except that you can farm for humanities just as easy, if you really want to. There are enough of them lying around without any actual need to farm tbh.

It's VERY common for you to die due lack of healing items in Dark Souls, especially on long boss fights, but on Demon's Souls you can jump with 99 grass.

I've only made one build where I invest in hp. Most of the time I leave it at 10 which makes healing items pointless for boss fights, at least past the first area. And what long bossfights are we talking about here? O&S and Gwyn?


Codex's Heretic
Feb 2, 2007
Terra da Garoa
Bro, you can't really be serious that farming humanities is as easy as farming grass...

And I also don't ever invest in HP, but even so on my first runs I found myself out of flasks on battles like S&O, Sif, Ceaseless Discharge (without cheesing) and even Moonlight Butterfly...

St. Toxic

Jun 9, 2006
Yemen / India
Bro, you can't really be serious that farming humanities is as easy as farming grass...

Easier. Because you don't want to waste a Use animation on junk grass, but Humanities always give you full health. And the easiest enemy in the game drops them. Right next to bonfires in both places. That's gg right there. On top of that, my characters always ended up with bags full of Divine Blessings because between estus and hums there's enough healing to go around. Sheesh, I remember using spells to heal in DeS.

And I also don't ever invest in HP, but even so on my first runs I found myself out of flasks on battles like S&O, Sif, Ceaseless Discharge (without cheesing) and even Moonlight Butterfly...

Ceaseless is a 1 hit kill on 10 vit. How do you cheese him btw? Triggering the floor without falling down? Anyway, I still disagree. I practically never use flasks, and when I need a heal I'll generally pop a humanity because I know I'll need to eventually to get those covenant goodies.


Jun 17, 2013
a) How did this become a thread about Dark/Demon's Souls. Also how the hell us Gwynn a long fight? Hello riposte.
b) I don't get how him missing the overland map "mechanic" immediately makes him shit at the game. I agree that after a while it was painfully obvious that the wolves were absolutely not the way to progress in the game, but since he made a social character with shit combat skills he could have safely assumed that the reason he couldn't progress was his build and not the game itself telling you to not go there. Sure it's a silly/stupid oversight he made but how that translates into being shit at the game. Also if killing all the wolves was actually required to move forward in the game it would actually be very shiity, so the "I hate this game" thing, whether he actually meant it or not is very understandable as well.
Jan 7, 2012
Man, I don't think I've ever actually kindled in DkS. Seems to make the game way too easy, and only have 10 flasks if you start from the main outpost vs only 5 flasks restored from resting halfway through a level felt like a really good mechanic. 20 flasks per run is ridiculously over the top, and 10 is way too much just for a boss fight. If you are kindling in DkS I can't say I go with the "infinite grass makes DeS easier", because if you need more than 10 healing items for DkS or DeS you should slit your wrists now because you are completely incompetent and have no place in a discussion about game difficulty.

Can't believe we are arguing this anyway. Both are easy if you are competent, hard if you aren't. There's not much dividing them, if you rush in like a fool or refuse to understand how game mechanics work you lose, otherwise you win pretty handily.


Codex's Heretic
Feb 2, 2007
Terra da Garoa
Starym, the guy is a goddamn game designer, he's been doing that for a living for over 20 years. How the fuck he couldn't understand basic stuff like the game's UI or that Vergil was self-healing, when my 14-year-old self managed that? It's not even my native language, FFS.

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