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Review Codex Reviews COPS 2170

Sol Invictus

Oct 19, 2002
Pax Romana
Tags: MISTLand; Power of Law: COPS: 2170

Like me, most of us have to wait a very long time for any turn-based games to come out because of their relative scarcity in the gaming market, at least of late. While I have personally opted for replays of old turn-based titles and RPGs like Jagged Alliance 2 and Battle Isle 3, there have been a few games released in the recent years that try to fill the niche. One such game is the recently released COPS 2170, developed by Russian developers Mistland and published in the States by Strategy First.
It was only natural that Mistland would have another attempt at developing another turn-based title after the moderate successes of Paradise Cracked and Alfa Anti-Terror in their Russian homeland, but the reception for the former aforementioned title (the latter is yet to be released elsewhere) was definitely a lot less than spectacular everywhere else. While you may lament the poor sales of the underappreciated Silent Storm (my personal opinion of the game notwithstanding) in the United States, there’s little of value to be found in the box of Paradise Cracked. Nonetheless, Mistland likely follows the principle of ‘trial and error’. Let’s see how their latest offering turned out.
Read the COPS 2170 - Power of Law review <a href=http://www.rpgcodex.com/content.php?id=117>here</a>.


Mar 31, 2004
Exitium, what about the instant kill problem (by enermies outside your visual range) mentioned in IGN review some days earlier? is that a recurring problem? Do you feel IGN's review was too harsh?


Jan 28, 2003
Stark said:
Exitium, what about the instant kill problem (by enermies outside your visual range) mentioned in IGN review some days earlier? is that a recurring problem?
I think Exitium explained it quite nicely - if you stand wide open without any cover you'll be dead. As for visual range you can upgrade your characters sight by using implants, scanners, cameras, being on higher ground etc.
Stark said:
Do you feel IGN's review was too harsh?
Yes IGN's review was exceptionally horrible, I can hardly it consider a review, I wonder how does one applies to be a reviewer for IGN :?


May 18, 2004
dunduks said:
Yes IGN's review was exceptionally horrible, I can hardly it consider a review, I wonder how does one applies to be a reviewer for IGN :?

A Codex Exclusive!!!


I would say it was pretty standard for them.


Feb 4, 2005
is ign the only reviewer to review it so far? i think once a few more reviews trickle in well see whether ign was right on the money or complete morons.

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