you? Nice self entitlement paranoia. No, not really... but now i will. A little bit.
First, you apparently cannot differentiate between Mikes own "cyberpunk" and what setting and style he likes for it.
And what the whole core ideas of cyberpunk as the genre are.
He says in the video he doesnt think cyberpunk as a genre is about transhumanizm - and he is right, it isnt. Although transhumanizm and cyberpunk intersect very often.
He apparently only sees transhumanizm as improving and bettering the whole society - a sort of progress towards general utopia - but thats just one side of transhumanizm.
He prefers, gritty dystopian settings - which cyberpunk often uses - but thats not GTA.
He says " In cyberpunk world, i realized that people had the technology, but that dint fundamentally change the fact that there was lots of treacherous, nasty behaviour, large weapons and a lot of serious danger all about."
He says "The important part in Cyberpunk is just that. its not the technology - its the feel, its getting that dark gritty, rain street feeling -"
But right after that he says "The cyberpunk is about interface between people and technology, but not in that transhumanist way where its all about technology changing our...-unintelligible-... its about how humans use things"
"Cyberpunk isnt about saving humanity, its about saving yourself."
Then he quotes Gibson line about street finding ways to use tech in unintended ways.
from RPS
“In the end, there has to be the right atmosphere. All echoes and dark city caverns. The right level of engagement. A world of human scaled characters fighting inhuman organizations, using technology to level to odds – but not to become supermen.”
Deus Ex always felt more like a conspiracy game than a cyberpunk game to me. Mirror’s Edge is great, but too clean. System Shock and Oni [from Bungie] are also good. Perfect Dark. Ghost in the Shell. Matrix. And Grand Theft Auto 3 is basically cyberpunk minus the hardware.
So he basically likes the dark, gritty atmosphere, and cool stuff - without any other implications or complications.
He has this view that people use the tech but that doesnt change them - because he dislikes people becoming this retarded idea of enhanced supermen and goody two shoes and everything becoming a super duper disney park.
Thats the idea of positive utopian transhumanizm.
So you should take that line about GTA in this context. Instead of thinking and claiming that GTA is cyberpunk in the sense of primary features of the genre.
Which it isnt. It just has some secondary general features that Cyberpunk uses, sometimes.
To claim that cyberpunk and its actual primary features do not change humans as individuals and society as a whole, at all, on any level - is utterly dumbfucking stupid.