we can't tell if the game's any good but i don't have high hopes. Every big title today is popamole, which in my languahe means gooey soup, not the themepark game.
The question is always the same, if there's a challenge of any kind or just patience to read text and everything else is just under your nose, dialogues one-click away, clues in the brainfuck feature, choices in quests, everything is just right there, so what's even the point? yeah the point is a fun story and fun in torturing enemies with titillating tools of pain. yay. Most console freakheads will say that's a videogame, alright
The example in the video isn't so bad, the clue seems hidden enough to feel like a puzzle, maybe require a certain skill, so i don't know.
in the past videos there's the example of the bot-gang-chip quest. If you give the chip card it fries that guy's brain and you shoot everyone in the gang, there was a way out which is inspecting the card, finding the virus, not having to shoot people. Naturally if we believe that non violence is the goal, and we state that it's the best option, and the best option is the hardest to "get", and the attention required to infact find out that you can inspect the card and find the bug is high, then not only have we good gameplay design (around the positive vertical axiom that violence is the easy lucrative choice and non violence is the hard way, instead of a senseless nihilistic, horizontal axiom "everything's ok in this shitty world"), we also got a puzzle that's coming directly from Sierra games (and Fallout), so i'm happy. So Point is here too, is it challenging to find such non violent loopholes, or they're under your nose right fit for the console retards? is this alternative solution (and other similar ones throughout the game) again hard and hidden enough to be a puzzle?
How odd, see i started off this post in total despair and by reasoning only i slowly climbed out and emerged from the shit pit with a ray of hope.