The combat meta is twitch based, so yes it's dependent on latency.Is everything still very dependent on lag?
From what I saw during the beta, no. There was talk of dupes and clipping exploits but I personally was never in contact with any.Is the blatant cheating still running wild?
It's completely different. I felt it was counter intuitive, but not as much as the vanilla interface. It's sort of a Frankenstein made with Windows 8 "Tiles" and radial menus. Some people love it, some people hate it.Does the user interface still suck donkey balls?
If you've followed the numerous broken promised release dates, you'd know it's the same Aventurine as ever. Just remember they're a small studio in the slums of Athenshas aventurine become at least half-decent at PR and communicating wtf is going on?
Yeah, it is. It's a mix between MOBA-esque abilities, precise positioning/movement and the brutality of full character looting. It's the sort of game that causes heart attacks and boners.Is the game fun the new way?
The time sink and lack of friends interested is keeping me from continuing my subscription.
personally I am waiting for some reviews.Well, it's out now. Who's going to be thegullible twatbrave soul to check out the new coat of paint?
are clans still mainly made of retarded kids?i'm playing. it's a lot of fun, but if you don't join a clan/have friends to play with it sucks. All of the good spawns are controlled by groups of 3+ people who have much more prowess (darkfall version of experience) than you. If you're alone you're stuck sitting in/near starter area where it's really tough to get prowess.
if you have any questions i'll try to answer
And?yup. first time joining vent with new clan was asked what my favorite butthole lubricant is