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Review Darkstar One ripped by ActionTrip


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Darkstar One

<A href="http://www.actiontrip.com/">Action Trip</a> has done up <A href="http://www.actiontrip.com/reviews/darkstarone.phtml">their review</a> of <A href="http://www.darkstar-one.com">Darkstar One</a>. The score is <b>57%</b>, and there's really not too much nice said about the game other than the graphics. Anyway, here's the conclusion:
<blockquote>The biggest problem that Darkstar has by far is the fact that it simply feels like a pale copy of other, far more successful games in the genre. There is nothing in it to grab you while playing. The combat is overly simplistic after you master the controls and the story is about as engaging as the evening news. You almost get the feeling that DO was put together by people who either didn't know how to make an interesting game, or simply lacked the will to do it. Darkstar One is in need of fire and passion; it lacks the imagination and creativity needed to captivate the player. The gameplay feels flat and it becomes very tedious after a while. Even though the initial impressions may suggest differently, DO doesn't deliver the type of experience that space sim fans are looking for.</blockquote>
Maybe they should have added right-click shield blocking. Then combat would have been TEH WIN.
Spotted at: <A HREF="http://www.ve3d.com">Voodoo Extreme</A>


Dec 15, 2005
a pillar of skulls
I thought the game was alright. It was basically an updated version of Freelancer with a couple convenient new things, but it's a little too easy and the cutscenes are pretty laughable.


Oct 7, 2005
Looks like they didn't pay enough to get good reviews or they didn't get their game on the xbox.

The funny thing is that the same quote would do perfect justice to Oblivion if you just replace DO and space sim.

The biggest problem that Oblivion has by far is the fact that it simply feels like a pale copy of other, far more successful games in the genre. There is nothing in it to grab you while playing. The combat is overly simplistic after you master the controls and the story is about as engaging as the evening news. You almost get the feeling that Oblivion was put together by people who either didn't know how to make an interesting game, or simply lacked the will to do it. Oblivion is in need of fire and passion; it lacks the imagination and creativity needed to captivate the player. The gameplay feels flat and it becomes very tedious after a while. Even though the initial impressions may suggest differently, Oblivion doesn't deliver the type of experience that rpg fans are looking for.


Jul 25, 2006
When Action Trip appeared originally they had potential, but it went downhill very quickly.


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Inziladun said:
These are the same people that gave Oblivion a 94%.

That's pretty much why I brought up the shield block thing. Apparently Oblivion's combat is SUPAH DUPAH FAB, but the combat in Darkstar One is overly simplistic.

It'd be interesting to see what they thought of Freelancer's combat, which is even more simplistic.

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