Command squad can gank rape any other heroes
Incorrect. In many cases it's a coin toss who wins, it literally hinges fully on random factors like which member of the squad is targeted, how often knockdowns are triggered, etc. For example, against chaos lord the command squad loses in all cases IIRC. Against boreale it's a 50/50.
the guards are not that bad yet.
they are
fucking terrible
I mean compare it with chaos who gets predator and khorne melee guys. Or the squishy vehicles compared to dreadnaught. And the infantry is ok but can't compare to wyches or nobs or other good units.
A predator effectively costs as much as two IG vehicles (because you need vehicle cap research to field it). Zerks get torn apart by ranged blobs. Dreads are slow as slugs.
Meanwhile your "ok infantry" can average 65 dps per grenade launcher already in T2 (and they have 5 of those grenade launchers a squad), takes a pitiful 20 req to reinforce and is immune to morale damage (commie). A properly developed ranged blob of guardsmen (3 squads with full grenade launchers) is insanely difficult to dislodge in T2, especially when you also factor in the support:
- Heavy weapons teams, which may be
severely dependent on map pick, but which have an effective damage reduction of 90% if deployed in cover, and which shred infantry and vehicles alike from long range.
- Basilisks, which might just as well be the most effective artillery unit in the game.
- Sentinels, which melt vehicles to slag, are fast, manoeuvrable, can move in fleets, and decap.
- Hellhounds, which can serve almost every role other than anti-vehicle.
- Priests either for additional melee shielding or boosting squads.
- A command squad with 3 psykers for that juicy triple split soul, triple lightning arc, triple vehicle disable.
I see your pred and dread and I cast curse of the machine spirit then melt it with sentinels. I see your zerks and sorry I don't actually see them because they can't even get close. I see your wyches and I burn them alive with hellhounds.
T2 is when the IG snowball starts rolling. If you don't beat them into the ground in T1, you're dead.