I think a shitty attitude would've been to release a buggy game and then abandon it, leaving the modders to fix it.
Maybe the game shouldn't have been this buggy. Maybe a lot of games shouldn't be this buggy. But it is released, rightly or wrongly. And of course the developer (unless we're talking about a huge, non-indie blob-like EA entity) who's spent a lot of time on the product would want to continue to iron out the bugs. Saying that they want to iron out the bugs themselves instead of having included modding to leave it to other people is not a shitty attitude. It's a good attitude addressing a shitty situation that maybe shouldn't have been in the first place.
Also, found the Codex location. Pretty realistic portrayal I think.
..No,you confusing shitty Actions with Shitty Attitudes. the two are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
It would have been a shitty ACTION to release the game in its state and totally abandon it. Yes. But its a shitty attitude to release a buggy game and then say it "annoys you" that people wish it were moddable so it could be fixed timely.
In this case there is a mix of shitty action and shitty attitude. I was only covering the attitude aspect. It was a SHITTY action release a game with the sheer amount of known bugs which had been reported. It was a shitty attitude to then get "annoyed"by their supporters wishing it were moddable.
-Again, for the millionth time-I like the game. Hell, I would buy Dead State 2 if it were ever made. The bugs (as horrible as some of them are) I can deal with even though they were reported and known and the game was released ANYWAY (i.e. Shitty ACTION).
There was a point they decided to release the game knowing it was bugged as fuck. The fact they are "going to fix it" doesnt change the fact this is the buggiest RELEASED game I have probably ever played - Granted many of the games ive played that are known to be highly buggy ive played using COMMUNITY PATCHES which fix many of the issues. That would be nice here as well.
Take a game like Temple Of Elemental Evil... The CO8 modpack saved that game and made it not only playable-But fantastic imho and now there are even new modules to explore giving new lifeto the game- Releasing TOEE was a shitty Action in the state it released in but modders DID fix it.
At some point they knew the deadline for making this game was approaching and they decided to release without fixing the bugs. That is ACTION. The claim they havnt abandoned it and tbh I believe them but after releasing a game in the bugged state they did- How can they possibly be "annoyed" that people are clamoring for modders to fix it (since they have not...And released it anyhow...For money)? Thats the attitude part.
My point is,it s a shitty attitude to relesse a game in a broken state and then say it "annoys you" that people wish it was moddable.