ore clover
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- Mar 25, 2017
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Chapter 59: Ug
With the three-part key acquired, I think we have everything we need to enter the abyss. Before that I’m going to make one more sweep for Vesper, as well as grab some more rare ingredients to boost up our spell count.
This time we proactively exit via Deceit so that we can fetch the boat.
We happen to have a couple mandrake roots still in our inventory, so we whip up a couple more Tremors before setting sail for the mainland.
We stop by the Guild shop in the Den to grab some more magic gems. We’ll need them for my master plan to find Vesper.
We’ve also been asking in every tavern we come across about Vesper, but we find no info. Worth a shot, anyway.
Now, to search for Vesper. First we’ll have to fetch our horses from outside Wrong, so that we can double our search speed.
Unsurprisingly we also dealt with several attackers along the way. I was tempted to try out Tremor in this fight, but orcs are one of the weakest shits in the game. I’d rather see the spell’s full power put to the test on something like demons.
We didn’t have to wait long, as these fellows showed up mere minutes later. Now we shall see what Tremor can do.
Three demons are swallowed up by the earth, we immediately kill the fourth thereafter, and the balron flees for the hills. Words cannot describe the beauty.
Just as the prophet Wayward Son foretold, this is a handy spell to have. It’s not guaranteed to kill or cause every enemy to flee, but just being able to attack everything in one move is good enough for me. I think Jinx is the only other area effect spell in our arsenal. Speaking of which, we’ll have to test that out sometime too.
There you are, now we can begin the search.
Here’s my master plan. We’ll use the horses to gallop across the mainland, occasionally peering at gems to see if we can spot any towns in our vicinity. Towns and dungeons pop up as little squares on the gem map, so we’ll hopefully be able to spot Vesper and then home in on it.
Like so; this is the area just south of where we harvest nightshade. No towns to be had here, unfortunately.
Here’s the area just east of Skara Brae, so that you know what the dot for towns looks like. It looks like hills, though, so locations like dungeons tend to blend in a bit.
We spend some time exploring the western side of the mainland. Even with horses to expedite the journey this isn’t the most interesting activity. Before too long I lose interest and start pursuing other things. We’ve run low on Cure spells and need more food, so we’ll make our way to Skara Brae to replenish both.
Along the way we discover that Tremor affects water creatures too. Not sure how that works, but fine by me.
Fuck, I could watch this all day. So satisfying.
We stop by Skara Brae, load up on food, and completely forget about mixing more cures; I was distracted with figuring out where to find Vesper.
Rather than explore the rest of the mainland, I’ve now come up with the hypothesis that Vesper could be located on the isle of the abyss. My reasoning being that since we haven’t found it on land yet, it obviously must be at sea.
So that’s where we’re headed next.
Here’s the west half of the island; the shrine of humility’s up to the north. No towns to be had, but we learn something more important. Up to this point I’ve assumed that the mouth of the abyss is just on the other side of the pirate bay, but it looks like we have to travel a bit on foot past there. That weird spirally cross thing at the end is probably the actual mouth.
Here’s the rest of the island; doesn’t look like there will be any towns hidden within. Guess we’ll have to resume our search on the mainland. But while we’re here we may as well see if we can take a peek at the mouth of the abyss. Back to the pirates.
We camp out just outside, to force the ships to approach without returning fire, but more continue to spawn every time we move into the inside of the bay. Clearly we’re going to need to strengthen the ship’s hull before we reach the mouth, and that means we must not have found the way to accomplish that. The three items are supposed to be used at the mouth, which we won’t reach until after we’ve cleared the bay, so it must be something else.
Damn. I thought we were ready to roll, but it would seem we haven’t finished the preliminary preparations quite yet. Maybe Vesper will shed some light on this conundrum.
We return to our horses and start exploring the northern and eastern portions of the mainland. After a while it looks like we might’ve found something nearby the shrine of spirituality, down to the south. Could it be?
Damn it all, this must be Vesper. How did I miss this for the entire game?
It? This should be good.
Concerning its job, “Ug, me tough!” On tough, “Ug, me tough!” Hmm.
Concerning Ug, “Me tough! Ug, thee tough?” Ug, I fink so. “Ug, thee tough!” We’ve really struck a chord. I bet we could achieve world peace this way.
The other guard has the same dialogue, so we waltz over to the jester next.
Apparently you’re funny? Is that so?
Concerning her job, “Thou thinks I’m funny! Don’t thou?” I’m sure you can guess what my answer is. “Ah, too bad, I thought I was.” Uh huh.
We move along up the road and find two wizards standing under a big sign that says “VESPER”.
“We welcome thee to Vesper. Yes, Vesper is a fair village. Hast thou come a long way? We are honored by the visit of one on the quest!”
The other wizard’s name and dialogue are exactly the same, and neither seems to have much else to say, so we continue along the road to the east and then south.
“I am an apprentice mage! I am the Calumny’s favorite!” Eh? He’s a long ways away from here. “He lives in Yew! Hast thou been to Yew? Calumny knows the quickness spell!”
If you’re curious, the quickness spell supposedly allows your chars to land two blows at the speed of one, with the tradeoff of aging a bit. While being able to double the attack speed would help speed up combat, I’ve never really felt like that justifies aging my companions. Although for all I know it doesn’t actually mean anything in game, since there doesn’t seem to be an age counter anywhere.
So far no one’s had anything to say about ships, their hulls, the abyss, etc., so I’m thinking we were supposed to find out about it someplace else. Next update we’ll finish off exploring Vesper, and then see what we can do about strengthening our boat’s hull for reaching the abyss.

With the three-part key acquired, I think we have everything we need to enter the abyss. Before that I’m going to make one more sweep for Vesper, as well as grab some more rare ingredients to boost up our spell count.

This time we proactively exit via Deceit so that we can fetch the boat.

We happen to have a couple mandrake roots still in our inventory, so we whip up a couple more Tremors before setting sail for the mainland.

We stop by the Guild shop in the Den to grab some more magic gems. We’ll need them for my master plan to find Vesper.

We’ve also been asking in every tavern we come across about Vesper, but we find no info. Worth a shot, anyway.
Now, to search for Vesper. First we’ll have to fetch our horses from outside Wrong, so that we can double our search speed.

Unsurprisingly we also dealt with several attackers along the way. I was tempted to try out Tremor in this fight, but orcs are one of the weakest shits in the game. I’d rather see the spell’s full power put to the test on something like demons.

We didn’t have to wait long, as these fellows showed up mere minutes later. Now we shall see what Tremor can do.

Three demons are swallowed up by the earth, we immediately kill the fourth thereafter, and the balron flees for the hills. Words cannot describe the beauty.
Just as the prophet Wayward Son foretold, this is a handy spell to have. It’s not guaranteed to kill or cause every enemy to flee, but just being able to attack everything in one move is good enough for me. I think Jinx is the only other area effect spell in our arsenal. Speaking of which, we’ll have to test that out sometime too.

There you are, now we can begin the search.
Here’s my master plan. We’ll use the horses to gallop across the mainland, occasionally peering at gems to see if we can spot any towns in our vicinity. Towns and dungeons pop up as little squares on the gem map, so we’ll hopefully be able to spot Vesper and then home in on it.

Like so; this is the area just south of where we harvest nightshade. No towns to be had here, unfortunately.

Here’s the area just east of Skara Brae, so that you know what the dot for towns looks like. It looks like hills, though, so locations like dungeons tend to blend in a bit.
We spend some time exploring the western side of the mainland. Even with horses to expedite the journey this isn’t the most interesting activity. Before too long I lose interest and start pursuing other things. We’ve run low on Cure spells and need more food, so we’ll make our way to Skara Brae to replenish both.

Along the way we discover that Tremor affects water creatures too. Not sure how that works, but fine by me.
Fuck, I could watch this all day. So satisfying.

We stop by Skara Brae, load up on food, and completely forget about mixing more cures; I was distracted with figuring out where to find Vesper.
Rather than explore the rest of the mainland, I’ve now come up with the hypothesis that Vesper could be located on the isle of the abyss. My reasoning being that since we haven’t found it on land yet, it obviously must be at sea.

So that’s where we’re headed next.

Here’s the west half of the island; the shrine of humility’s up to the north. No towns to be had, but we learn something more important. Up to this point I’ve assumed that the mouth of the abyss is just on the other side of the pirate bay, but it looks like we have to travel a bit on foot past there. That weird spirally cross thing at the end is probably the actual mouth.

Here’s the rest of the island; doesn’t look like there will be any towns hidden within. Guess we’ll have to resume our search on the mainland. But while we’re here we may as well see if we can take a peek at the mouth of the abyss. Back to the pirates.

We camp out just outside, to force the ships to approach without returning fire, but more continue to spawn every time we move into the inside of the bay. Clearly we’re going to need to strengthen the ship’s hull before we reach the mouth, and that means we must not have found the way to accomplish that. The three items are supposed to be used at the mouth, which we won’t reach until after we’ve cleared the bay, so it must be something else.
Damn. I thought we were ready to roll, but it would seem we haven’t finished the preliminary preparations quite yet. Maybe Vesper will shed some light on this conundrum.

We return to our horses and start exploring the northern and eastern portions of the mainland. After a while it looks like we might’ve found something nearby the shrine of spirituality, down to the south. Could it be?

Damn it all, this must be Vesper. How did I miss this for the entire game?

It? This should be good.
Concerning its job, “Ug, me tough!” On tough, “Ug, me tough!” Hmm.
Concerning Ug, “Me tough! Ug, thee tough?” Ug, I fink so. “Ug, thee tough!” We’ve really struck a chord. I bet we could achieve world peace this way.
The other guard has the same dialogue, so we waltz over to the jester next.


Concerning her job, “Thou thinks I’m funny! Don’t thou?” I’m sure you can guess what my answer is. “Ah, too bad, I thought I was.” Uh huh.
We move along up the road and find two wizards standing under a big sign that says “VESPER”.

“We welcome thee to Vesper. Yes, Vesper is a fair village. Hast thou come a long way? We are honored by the visit of one on the quest!”
The other wizard’s name and dialogue are exactly the same, and neither seems to have much else to say, so we continue along the road to the east and then south.

“I am an apprentice mage! I am the Calumny’s favorite!” Eh? He’s a long ways away from here. “He lives in Yew! Hast thou been to Yew? Calumny knows the quickness spell!”
If you’re curious, the quickness spell supposedly allows your chars to land two blows at the speed of one, with the tradeoff of aging a bit. While being able to double the attack speed would help speed up combat, I’ve never really felt like that justifies aging my companions. Although for all I know it doesn’t actually mean anything in game, since there doesn’t seem to be an age counter anywhere.
So far no one’s had anything to say about ships, their hulls, the abyss, etc., so I’m thinking we were supposed to find out about it someplace else. Next update we’ll finish off exploring Vesper, and then see what we can do about strengthening our boat’s hull for reaching the abyss.