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Game News Devil Whiskey boxed copies, mods, and more


Staff Member
Jun 16, 2002
Behind you.
Tags: Devil Whiskey

The <A href="http://www.devilwhiskey.com/main.html">official Devil Whiskey page</a> has updated with some news on the boxed copies of the game, silly people wanting refunds, as well as some mod stuff. The boxed copies should be going out next week, basically. Here's the refund stuff, which is quite funny:
<blockquote>About Refunds. I'm sorry but this is entertainment software and not a tangible washer and dryer. If you purchase the download game, there should be no problem with it operating as recommended. BUT if you tell us there is some problem 2 weeks after you have had the game, no suggestions that worked for scores of others DON'T seem to "work" for you and you've had time to copy it AND there is no accurate description for what is going amiss; Do you think we should refund money on faith when most people do not? Firstly on the download option, there is no physical product to return and there is almost always a solution if your system meets the minimum requirements. On recommended systems, the game will work with minimal problems and there is always a way to fix bugs if the online bugtracker is used and you provide an in depth detail oriented description of your bug. Due to some potential exploitation, there may be some policy changes in the purchase agreement starting soon.</blockquote>
That has to be the funniest thing I've heard in a while. You get a shareware key or download the full version, then expect a refund. How dumb do people think the developers are?


May 31, 2004
A lot of old-school Bard's Tale fans seem to love it. I'm an original BT fan, but I found it tedious and unbalanced. I have very little patience for a game in which my newbie party gets repeatedly smacked down by powerful enemies while on the way to the very first equipment shop.

Still, I think the demo is worth the download to check it out... the download isn't huge, and the game has an appealing visual and auditory style to it. If you're more patient than I am, you might like it.
Dec 10, 2003
Check out my massive package.
Hm. I seriously doubt that I am more patient. I just... stop liking games I'm in the middle of playing, for no reason. Like, I've got a save right now in Avernum 2 about mid-way through the (gigantic) last chapter, and I never want to play the game again. I was totally hooked up until then, and suddenly, bam!, all interest is gone. I guess when the world really opened up in the last chapter, I realized I didn't care a bit about any of the people in the game or what was going to happen to them, so I ditched it. Weird.

Eh, I'll at least try Devil's Whiskey out. I hear it's keyboard-control only, which means it'll more than likely be banished from my harddrive in a shorter time than it took me to type this post, but hey, gaming has gotten so bitterly boring these days, I suppose there are worse things I could do than try an indie demo...


Jan 6, 2004
Frowning at my monitor as I read your dumb post.
I enjoyed it very much at first, and the whole crafting thing is pretty cool, but after a while the massive number of fights began to wear on me. Sometimes I'd like to go through a dungeon in less than 4 hours.

Original BT fan too, btw, it's the first video game I ever got really addicted to. I mean really addicted to. It was all I thought about when I went to school. And I didn't have a computer so I'd have to beg to play at a friend's house.


Oct 31, 2003
uh, if i understand some of their comments a while ago, the demo balance is not indicative of the game itself. it was really bad when i played it, too... plus, you levelled waaaay too quickly...
Dec 10, 2003
Check out my massive package.
Well after taking thirty minutes making a party, constantly alt-tabbing between the game and the .pdf manual, scouring all sources to figure out what class heals, (there aren't Clerics or Healers in the game, at least, no class can heal at level 1. Paladins get all sorts of curative spells later, and Geomancers get a 2nd-level bitch heal, but other than that, you're fucked when it comes to healing on the fly. Yay.), and trying to figure out what I could click and what I had to type the hotkey of, I finally walked out of the dingy little inn into the big world...

Here's my adventure:

-An NPC with a portrait identical to one of my characters (maybe it was his twin brother...) suddenly takes over my viewport and starts blathering about how the town wants my help but will try to kill me. Two sentences of his bizarre speech are "voice acted" by a pre-pubescent sixteen year old boy with a sinus infection who seems to have remastered his voice debut on Windows Sound Recorder. I just keep clicking. Finally an option appears--"Do you want to help the town?" Since there was no option for "maybe if they stop trying to kill me," I chose "Yes." The guy threw a pillowcase full of equipment he'd hauled out of the local dump at me and vanished.

-I distribute the equipment as best I can, considering there are no item descriptions. Which is better, a long sword, a broad sword, or a mace? Will my Psi Knight not be able to cast if I give him leather armor instead of this Robe? Do Helms do anything at all? Who knows! We play dressup in the purely text-based inventory and take a step forward.

-We take another step forward. By this time I'm looking for a magnifying glass so I can actually see the world through the amazingly small viewport.

-Coyly teasing fate, we take another step forward. Suddenly a horde of midgets--ten dwarves--appear out of thin air and make fun of our hairstyles. I decide to heroically tell them to back off. They laugh at me! Cunts. Now I'm only down to two options. I can fight with valor, or "approach" them. Well, I doubt I'll be able to beat ten of these fuckers, so I decide to "approach."

-All ten dwarves don't like their personal space violated and attack. Two of my characters are hurt badly and are close to death. But there's no way to heal them! Wheee!

-I survey my tactical options, which consist of:

*Cast some shitty utility spells
*Sing a song that makes me run away better
*Run away

Well, it's a two-steps into the game encounter, so it must not be that bad. Let's attack. Three of my characters die. One midget stubs his toe.

-I have the Bard sing the run away song, then we run away. I'm now dragging around dead or dying characters--since there appears to be a system of negative HP values in this game, I silently hope that characters can still be saved at HP values like "-3" and "0."

-I run to a building and try to enter. That sixteen year old infected voice actor bellows "who's that?" and this big advertisment to buy the full version appears on screen. Wrong house?

-Nope, the next house I try does the exact same thing too. "Whooooossse thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???" then this honking big ad. Immersion ahoy!

-Quit, uninstall, delete remaning junk folders. Fuck you, Devil Whiskey.

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