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Dimhaven Enigmas - First Person Adventure by the team behind Quern


Jun 3, 2018

Welcome to Dimhaven, a seemingly quiet place where mysteries await and the boundaries of reality blur. Embark on a captivating adventure filled with mind-bending puzzles, dark secrets, and atmospheric exploration.

Unravel the truth of the Ravenwood legacy as you investigate mysterious ruins, haunting landscapes, and interact with the eerie inhabitants.

Immerse yourself in a surreal and abstract world, where every discovery brings you closer to the truth. Are you ready to unlock the secrets of Dimhaven and confront the shadows that lurk within?








Jul 17, 2013

Halfpoint of the Project (Or not exactly)

July 1, 2024

Dear Backers,

We'd like to tell you a little bit about what we've been doing these past few days. Firstly, we've been trying to find new ways of letting more people know about Dimhaven

We've been reaching out to a lot of different streamers and content creators to make sure everyone that could be interested actually hears about the game. Last Friday we partook in a live developer chat on Twitch hosted by airiesummer, where we talked about the project and general game development in detail.

This is an area where we'd really appreciate your support. If you have a friend you believe could be interested in the game, please let them know, direct them to our Kickstarter and ask them to try the demo. This would help us out greatly to make Dimhaven a reality. Think about the one friend who might have missed it, it would be great to have them here! :)

Another thing we've been at is polishing the demo based on your valuable feedback.
Towards the end of the demo, there are two intertwined puzzles that sometimes confused players, and not in the right "I'm having fun figuring it out!" way, but rather the "annoyedly not knowing what I'm doing wrong" way. We cleaned it up a little and gave a bit more of a nudge towards what to do next. This update will go live on Steam in the coming days. We also added names to the items in the inventory - a much requested feature. We are looking at you, sponge!


As some of you might have noticed the Kickstarter deadline was pushed back a week! Some time back we contacted Kickstarter about ways to improve our on-site visibility and it turned out we were handled pretty poorly by the algorithm. They offered us an extension and we took it, so the new deadline is the 28th of July - that's one more week to push the campaign and a step closer to making Dimhaven a reality!

Thank you all for your support, we will be back shortly with a cool feature we haven't shown yet!

Dani, Geri, Marcell, Ábel

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