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Game News Divinity 2 Hotfixes Available


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
Tags: Divinity 2; Larian Studios

<p>Larian Studios <a href="http://www.larian.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&amp;Number=424718#Post424718" target="_blank">released hotfixes</a> for <strong>Flames of Vengeance</strong> and <strong>Dragon Knight Saga</strong>.</p>
<p><span id="body0">Here's a list of what's included:<br /><br /> +Allows you to change a number of parameters in your global_switches.xml and config.xml (including removing the 30 fps cap)<br />+Various crash fixes<br />+Fixed freeze during intro movie<br />+Story fix: invalid items in Battle Tower platform operator interface screens removed<br />+Prevented some infinite loading screens<br />+Enhanced cut-scene flow<br />+Fixed issues with subtitles during regionswaps<br />+Foliage Shader Fix added<br />+Specific cutscene animations fixed (added missing animations)<br />+Removed issue with physics blockers<br />+Savegame backwards-compatibility fixes </span></p>
<p><span id="body0">PLEASE NOTE: Some digital distribution versions (such as Steam) have their own system for releasing patches, hotfixes etc... If you bought your game through one of these vendors, then you will not be able to install this hotfix. We are working on getting it distributed through those services.</span></p>


Mar 2, 2010
Divinity: Original Sin
+Savegame backwards-compatibility fixes
A company that listens to complaints, promises to try and address the problem, then goes and actually does? I'm impressed.

PLEASE NOTE: Some digital distribution versions (such as Steam) have their own system for releasing patches, hotfixes etc... If you bought your game through one of these vendors, then you will not be able to install this hotfix.


The Last Marxist
May 12, 2010
Where one can weep in peace
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Sceptic said:
+Savegame backwards-compatibility fixes
A company that listens to complaints, promises to try and address the problem, then goes and actually does? I'm impressed.

Yeah, Larian and now Reality Pump with TW2 are really shaking things up. Too bad there is no God and they will struggle for funds during their entire existence, while Bioware and Bethesda cackle maniacally while counting their millions.


Jan 6, 2008
BrizVegas, Australis Penal Colony
commie said:
Sceptic said:
+Savegame backwards-compatibility fixes
A company that listens to complaints, promises to try and address the problem, then goes and actually does? I'm impressed.

Yeah, Larian and now Reality Pump with TW2 are really shaking things up. Too bad there is no God and they will struggle for funds during their entire existence, while Bioware and Bethesda cackle maniacally while counting their millions.

That is the really sad, sad truth. Especially for Larian as their game's already been reviewed by the mainstream media with lukewarm results - so now no matter what they do with DKS/FoV, only fans will notice.

Things may be better for TW2 as I have a feeling sites like IGN, GS, 1UP etc are going to be blown away by it when they get around to reviewing it - mainly due to the awesome first impression it makes with it's next-gen graphics. Which is why, though I initially thought it was retarded delaying the release for the US/UK/Aus - it may actually be a smart move, so they can iron out any kinks before those retarded mainstream sites get a hold of it.

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