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Divinity II Character System

Good Ol' Drog

Dec 25, 2009
Fuck this game. The character system is a confusing mess. I've no idea how to make an efficient character build, there are way too many skills to choose from (54!) and half of them are probably useless shit (just like it was in Divine Divinity).

I seriously can't stand RPGs where you have to try out all skills and/or read several in-depth FAQs just to get a grip of a character system and make a character that doesn't get ass raped. Shit, just let me enjoy the world/setting/art/combat/writing without the tedious minmaxing.


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
Good Ol' Drog said:
Fuck this game. The character system is a confusing mess. I've no idea how to make an efficient character build, there are way too many skills to choose from (54!) and half of them are probably useless shit (just like it was in Divine Divinity).
of corz you r rite!!11!!!
every gaem should have 3 skillz max, otherwuyse itz way to confusing & complicated, and these 3 skillz can easily be combined into 1 skill like "pwning" for instance!!11!!!

Good Ol' Drog said:
I seriously can't stand RPGs where you have to try out all skills and/or read several in-depth FAQs just to get a grip of a character system and make a character that doesn't get ass raped.
this gaem suxx0rz!
if it's not easy enough to be beatable by furious mouse clicking it's a shit RPG.

Good Ol' Drog said:
Shit, just let me enjoy the world/setting/art/combat/writing without the tedious minmaxing.
shit. u r rite. shit. stupid minmaxing.

Unlike DnD it has 3 forms of AC. Melee AC, ranged AC and magic AC. How stupid is that lol xD. and having high ACs won't get you assraped that easily but that's way too confusing amirite.


Dec 18, 2006
You're right, it sucks. Now get back to work on Arcanum patches.


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 14, 2009
Hey guys complaining about worthless skills is valid.

It's not difficult to create dozens of them and never use them again (why hello ther Drakensang). I personally like not only complicated character creation but also many skillchecks later.

Other than this weak trolling.


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
Well, here I would disagree. I really thought the "worthless" skills added to the Realms of Arkania experience. They forced you, on a blind run, to decide your priorities, experiment and to diversify. You had to put some planning into your builds. Clearly nobody could just be good at everything. Since you never quite knew how useful any given spell or skill would be you were forced to experiment and also to plan.

This led to making tough decisions, but it was usually easy to make the right ones: what would be more useful, that everyone can swim or that everyone can read? Do you need everyone to be able to navigate a ship? And so on.

And lo and behold, sometimes, in a sequel, like RoA 2 or 3, a skill you never thought useful would actually play at least a minor role, in the end rewarding you for so carefully planning out your party. I find this sort of exploratory gameplay rewarding.

Well, this was quite a long ramble to defend a design flaw, but there you have it; it endears the game to me. (RoA, mind you.)

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