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Review Divinity II: Flames of Vengeance Review


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
Tags: Divinity 2; Larian Studios

<p><a href="http://www.gameshard.net/divinity-ii-flames-of-vengeance.html#axzz1BNFh0DXR" target="_blank">Gameshard reviewed</a> the <strong>Flames of Vengeance</strong> expansion to <strong>Divinity 2: Ego Draconis</strong> rating it 7/10. The reasons for the humble score are not enough dragon sequences and lack of handholding. They didn't like that.</p>
<p>That said, combat doesn't actually play as large a role in Flame of Vengeance as it did in Ego Draconis. The majority of quests require investigative or conversational skills; all about talking to the right people or working out the (sometimes fiendish) puzzles. This would be a lot easier, though, if the quest tracking system wasn't almost completely useless. Quest descriptions are all too often vague, with unhelpful objective markers, and whilst there's a lot to be said for working things out for yourself you do need something to go on. One of the main quests has you looking for five clues, but refuses to give you any idea where to look or even what to look for. Your quest log rather unhelpfully notes that "I need five clues to continue, but I don't know where they are, so I guess I better just look around." Brilliant, thanks for that.</p>
<p>Maybe Larian should implement a sparkling quest trail so that every professional game reviewer knows exactly where to go, where to click and when to click. Of course, some might have noticed that actually <em>looking around</em>&nbsp; results in stumbling upon the clues but apparently that's too much to ask for.</p>
<p>Spotted at: <a href="http://www.rpgwatch.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1061045530">RPGWatch</a></p>


Apr 22, 2009
Wow, I never got lost and when the quest description mentioned a location, I knew where to go without any markers thanks to the excellent level design.

What I am trying to say is that the reviewer, is a retard.


Nov 22, 2006
VentilatorOfDoom said:
The reasons for the humble score are not enough dragon sequences and lack of handholding. They didn't like that.


Not enough dragon sequences?????? :rage:

I feel sorry for the human race, I really do


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
I'd love more dragon sequences if Larian made them actually cool.

They seemed to go for old vertical-scroller style action, except with barely any enemy variety and very limited set of implements of destruction at player's disposal.
They should have played Drakan and The I of The Dragon beforehand to learn from the things either of those two games did right.

If I'm playing as a dragon, and dragons are meant to be powerful and capable of great destruction, the last thing I want is circling the ballista #658 and trying to fry it with my breath while avoiding the shots, then proceeding to throw homing fireballs at the tower #128 for several minutes while watching its HP bar decreasing slightly with each hit. No, I want to RIP AND TEAR, to burn and smash. I am supposed to be the equivalent of an A-10 in the world where ballista passes for high-tech, let me have it.
If you want to draw inspiration from vertical scrollers, let your role-model be Tyrian - with maxed out ship. I want to inflict precisely this much destruction in a unit of time.
Also, don't prevent me from attacking ground based troops. It's major part of the fun. Use clever environmental gating to force me to go on foot where you need it, like Drakan did, but in open spaces I should be able to rape the living fuck out of everything in my scaly form.


Jan 6, 2008
BrizVegas, Australis Penal Colony
DraQ said:
Also, don't prevent me from attacking ground based troops. It's major part of the fun. Use clever environmental gating to force me to go on foot where you need it, like Drakan did, but in open spaces I should be able to rape the living fuck out of everything in my scaly form.

Yep, this would pretty much fix the problem. Really pissed me off not being able to attack ground targets (and visa versa).

Dragon combat wasn't really a game breaker though, just a bit boring. I really think dragon form was more just a fast travel device that they tried to spice up a bit. It wasn't even very challenging, can't remember even comming close to death in dragon form - despite getting ass raped pleanty of times in human form (including by some killer bunny, but I'd rather not talk about that... :oops:)


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
AlaCarcuss said:
Dragon combat wasn't really a game breaker though, just a bit boring.
Indeed, it isn't outright bad, I even enjoy it, but playing as, of all things, a dragon shouldn't be in the least bit boring. It's worrying if you manage to take something seemingly inherently cool and manage to make it boring.


Staff Member
Apr 4, 2009
AlaCarcuss said:
DraQ said:
Also, don't prevent me from attacking ground based troops. It's major part of the fun. Use clever environmental gating to force me to go on foot where you need it, like Drakan did, but in open spaces I should be able to rape the living fuck out of everything in my scaly form.

Yep, this would pretty much fix the problem. Really pissed me off not being able to attack ground targets (and visa versa).

Dragon combat wasn't really a game breaker though, just a bit boring. I really think dragon form was more just a fast travel device that they tried to spice up a bit. It wasn't even very challenging, can't remember even comming close to death in dragon form - despite getting ass raped pleanty of times in human form (including by some killer bunny, but I'd rather not talk about that... :oops:)

Either you have unrivaled popamole skills or they have made it significantly easier in DKS. I died lots of times especially against the memory devourers during the entry to the hall of souls? Or did you just fly thru without killing them all? Chicken.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
VentilatorOfDoom said:
Either you have unrivaled popamole skills or they have made it significantly easier in DKS. I died lots of times especially against the memory devourers during the entry to the hall of souls? Or did you just fly thru without killing them all? Chicken.
Unless you went to BV early, there was never much difficulty to the fortresses, apart those pesky dragon commanders and lightning cannons.
Sure, DKS reduced them a bit, but the gameplay is pretty much the same.

It did, however broke the encounter with Zagan - now it's difficult and not in a good way, but simply because you have to handle a lot of enemies in a cramped space, which means you get physically stuck, lagged via projectile spam, then killed off.


Jan 6, 2008
BrizVegas, Australis Penal Colony
VentilatorOfDoom said:
Either you have unrivaled popamole skills or they have made it significantly easier in DKS. I died lots of times especially against the memory devourers during the entry to the hall of souls? Or did you just fly thru without killing them all? Chicken.

Yeah, I believe it is a bit easier in DKS vs ED. Then again, my popamole skillz are pretty awesome *blows hot air on right hand knuckles and rubs them on left side man-boob* :smug:

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