Dragon Age 3: Abandon Ship
Dragon Age 3: EA Will Close Us Down Approx. 2-3 months after we ship
Dragon Age 3: Abandon Ship
Cole: A long time ago, a young man died a cruel death in a dark place. And now, somehow, there is Cole. Was he a spirit of a demon? Is he human now? Cole’s not sure it matters anymore.
I like how they don't even pretend give a fuck; even in descriptions
Dragon Age 3: Somehow, There Is Coal
I mean, DA 1 was a decent game, but DA2 was terrible.
DA2 was better than DA1
I think you mistyped that, mastermind.
Wow, why do they keep making the same game over and over?
"You, the hero, must unite forces from across the lands to defeat the ancient evil."
That's been the plot of every Bioware game for the past 10 years
Wow, why do they keep making the same game over and over?
"You, the hero, must unite forces from across the lands to defeat the ancient evil."
That's been the plot of every Bioware game for the past 10 years
Dragon Age 3: Somehow, There Is Cole (SPOILERS: Cole was undead from the very beginning)
What was the deal with the facial blood in DA2 anyway? I never got it (playing the game might help, but...).Instead of the blood strip being across the PC's nose, it'll be over one eye.
it becomes clear that someone or something is manipulating events to drive the world into chaos.
I'm excited about this because as far as I know it'll be the first ever mainstream game with a female majority writing staff (5 out of 7).