I don't think that loving good things = Being old.
no, but your first games will imprint you and you need to collect a large library of patterns to compare shit to. look at the mm thread and see how the opinions are divided between mm1+2 vs mm3-5 vs mm6+ mostly based on what people played first. good taste might not equal being old, but being young makes it much easier to have a shitty one.
I don't buy that. It might have an influence, but it doesn't define everything.
I am pretty used to 90s games, yet i can enjoy new games. I love Metro/Shadowrun/The Witcher 1 games. Those games doesn't necessery provide all the things i want from my personnal checklist, but they work, what they provide is solid and enjoyable.
Also, there were quite a bunch of games that were released in the 90s, that were very much Bethesda-like that had a fair success. But they were forgotten as they were quickly replaced by the new shiny things.
Also, opinions could change. For instance, i was initially quite fond of the GTA games (GTA3/Vice City/San Andreas), then after a few years, i realised that they ended up being a waste of time, and nothing really mattered in those games. You can enjoy something on day one, and then slowly get a more realistic opinion as the time goes on.
Not to mention that you don't necessary love all the first games you tried. When i was young(er) i tried to play Baldur's Gate many times. The gameplay wasn't bad, there were many RPG elements, and it was highly praised. I really tried to finish it, but i was never willing enough to do it. As a whole, it didn't gave me the will to try out any other RPG. I took me years to try out another RPG. Someday i ended up taking Fallout 2 on a store, without knowing anything about it and it worked for me, thanks to the quality of writting.