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Review Dungeon Lords: The trashing continues

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Tags: Dungeon Lords; Heuristic Park Inc.

More Dungeon Lords reviews are in. Surprisingly, most people think it sucks ass. Oh, well...
<blockquote><a href=http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=25864>Worthplaying review - 6.4/10</a>:
Well, now for the drawbacks: there are parts of Dungeon Lords that just feel unfinished. Right out of the gate, character creation is extremely limited. In the manual, it shows ways to change the face, skin color, hair style, and hair color of your character. None of these even show up in the game, and they weren't addressed in the first patch, either. Another omission is that of the game's automap, and trust me, you need one. Many dungeons and some towns are fairly confusing, with some areas looking just like others. Being able to check where you have been in order to figure what area still
<a href=http://www.pcgameworld.com/review.php/id/592/Dungeon_Lords/>PC Gameworld review - 40/100</a>:
Glitches, bugs, missing features and horrible gameplay are all a part of Dungeon Lords. Avoid this one at all costs.
I have seen and played both the good and bad RPG's over my years but I have never played anything as unfinished and buggy as Dungeon Lords. Most of the features that have been promised are missing and the features that are there work very poorly. It's a huge disappointment for fans that are craving a fun role-playing game because if it wouldn't have been rushed it could have been a good game. Instead what we get is a mess that is riddled with thousands of bugs, a flawed combat system, long load times, poor performance, and brain dead AI.
<a href=http://www.gamerswanted.com/platform/PC/4237/reviews/18581/>Gamers Wanted review - 6.2/10</a>:
The biggest problem with Dungeon Lords is that a lot of the game feels unfinished. Sure, the action is pretty faced paced, and full of clicky death goodness, but beyond that, the game has little else to offer.
Getting lost becomes a motif in the game, as does a lack of somewhat fundamental features, such as an automap, or a few other elements that are hinted at, but for some reason never work.
<a href=http://etoychest.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1617&Itemid=42>eToychest review - 69/100</a>:
Not to say the fighting isn't fun. Sure, it's mindless and manic, but it can prove enjoyable at times. The problem is that this is not a fighting game where combat can carry the burden of the experience. This is a role-playing game, and sadly the actual adventure – which is supposed to serve as the canvas upon which all this blood is spilt - simply isn't very interesting. This is a long, convoluted adventure that drags the player along kicking and screaming with empty promises rather than entices them with engaging gameplay. However, the reality is that many players will spend a hefty portion of the game wandering blindly in the wilderness, and even more will lack the fortitude to put up with Dungeon Lord's thin plot and overly verbose NPCs for the long haul. Those players who do stick around won't be doing so for the presentation, as Dungeon Lords shows the scars of a game that has been in development for a long while. Many of the environments and characters look painfully under-detailed, with washed out colors and poor designs being their most notable features</blockquote>Nothing left to say, so I'll throw in another quote by the venerable DW Bradley:
<blockquote>As you might imagine, during the past several decades my approach to creating leading edge RPG and my computer game design philosophy has evolved quite a bit, and Dungeon Lords is a quantum leap, the crowning achievement of a lifetime's worth of experience to create a new class of RPG that really takes you there</blockquote>


Jul 21, 2004
ROFL that quote. Poor Bradley, misunderstood genius that he is. :)

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
And another review if someone cares or still has doubts:

Bradley should be ashamed to release a title like Dungeon Lords under his name. I wonder if he even had anything at all to do with the game’s development or if he just sold the rights to his name to a group of junior developers and let them go. Either way, Bradley has either completely lost it, or better find a good lawyer to get the use of his name back. Nobody is going to want another D.W. Bradley game after playing Dungeon Lords.

After you leave the first town and start to head into the world, expect to find a lot of empty rooms with no furniture or other decorations. In the second town you come to if you are following the main plot, there was this huge building called the Hall of Weapons. Naturally I went inside. An elf greeted me and invited me to look around the museum at famous suits of elven armor and swords of legend, then said when I was done touring the museum to see him again and he would be willing to sell me some items.

The problem is that the entire building is as empty as a high school gymnasium without basketball hoops.

The AI is also as stupid as dirt. Guards in towns are supposed to help you in fights, but can’t figure out how to run around a low wall to or round a corner to join the fight. They will scream something like, “A guards work is never done!” but then won’t do anything. I started to think this was some kind of a practical joke, like they were really saying that they never actually do their jobs, not that they are constantly fighting.

Monsters are also pitifully stupid. Most can’t climb stairs. So if you are able to back onto a porch, they stand at the bottom as if you just put up a flaming wall. And they are all to happy to get peppered to death with your arrows or daggers and not do a thing to save themselves. In dungeons, the same thing happens with doorways much of the time. I had one giant creature just stand there and yell at me for five minutes while I calmly tossed daggers at it till it was dead. It did not know how to walk through an open doorway

I just don’t know what happened. I tried so hard to like this game, but you just made it impossible for me. I can’t really recommend it anyone, unless they find it in a $10 bin somewhere and have a lot of time to kill.


Dec 29, 2002
Krakow, Poland
Divinity: Original Sin Wasteland 2
A reviewer said:
The problem is that the entire building is as empty as a high school gymnasium without basketball hoops. There are some raised stone platforms that I suspect should have contained armor, but they were never added to the game. I guess all the top elven armor and weapons also have permanent invisibility spells cast on them.


Feb 21, 2005
The Heart of It All
Ouch... in this a bad game of Daikatana proportions? A little while ago I downloaded a demo for DK, just to see if it really was that bad. It was. I don't think I'm going to make the same mistake twice and download this demo.


Aug 26, 2004
Perpetually lurking
I have absolutely no doubt this game sucks more than anything. But even more disturbing is how in spite of the what the reviewer writes, the fanboi, blowjob, pansy review sites refuse to give a fitting score. This coaster managed to get ratings above 50% and 6 out of 10 stars. Say what you want about Computer Gaming World, but at least they had the balls to call that piece of shit Ultima Online out for what it was (like one out of five stars-- no other magazine dared criticize EA/Origin at the time).

And by the way, what the fuck is "clicky death goodness?" Is this supposed to be a redeeming quality? I don't ever want to hear that phrase again.


Oct 21, 2004
Well, most asskissing review websites give 60% if the game CD runs or something (see RPGDot)

ALso, even if this game was bug free and came with all features, it would still be a piece of shit.

The combat in the game is awful and so is the character system.


Sep 6, 2003
Arse of the world, New Zealand
Naked_Lunch said:
You shut up. Daikatana rocked.

Well, at any rate, Daikatana was less buggy and more finished than DL is.
I know people like to put Daikatana in the "nothing could be worse" category, but believe me, there is!

Part of the problem with Daikatana was that the huge tidal wave of hype did not match what ended up to be an ordinary game. The problem with DL is that, even though people had low expectations, it ended up being much much lower than that (and feels only about 50% complete).

No comparison really.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Since when the Codex start taking review scores from others sites as 'Official Law'. Bunch of moronic hypcirtes. I see though... As long as said reviews agree with you then they're cool. Morons.


Jan 29, 2005
Norway, 1967
space captain said:
Volourn said:

I am a dumb cock who can't spell "hypocrites". Man, do I love choking on other people's cum. Mmm hmmm.
Fixed. :cool:


May 5, 2005
Naked_Lunch said:
space captain said:
Volourn said:

I am a dumb cock who can't spell "hypocrites". Man, do I love choking on other people's cum. Mmm hmmm.
Fixed. :cool:



Jan 29, 2005
Norway, 1967
Let's face it people: Hating on Volourn's spelling mistakes is worse than just beating a dead horse, it's beating off a dead horse.


Sep 6, 2003
Arse of the world, New Zealand

From ActionTrip : 10%


In a word, I hate this game. It is horrible crap. Stay away from it, and if you see it in the bargain bin, pour some gasoline over the bin and burn it. Who knows, you might burn some meaningless Sims expansions with it. Then again, The Sims are gaming heaven compared to the hell of playing Dungeon Lords. Avoid this game like the plague.

Now, thats bad...

Edit: mind you, the reviewer appears to have a lack of even rudimentary RT gaming skills (I didn't find combat quite that hard), but still...


May 28, 2004
Shagnak said:
Edit: mind you, the reviewer appears to have a lack of even rudimentary RT gaming skills (I didn't find combat quite that hard), but still...

Hehe... that dude seems to suck ass at gaming...
But still... he has a point...
It's teh sux0rz!!11!


May 25, 2004
Port Hope
Shagnak said:
Edit: mind you, the reviewer appears to have a lack of even rudimentary RT gaming skills (I didn't find combat quite that hard), but still...

Yes, I totally agree! Morons cannot play this great game! They are whining because of the frustration. They were waiting for a new screensaver/movie watching game but they have got a fighting game instead.

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