There are tons of background lore and you can always read the hapennings in the galaxy on the Galnet News Feed, but there no story which have an arch from start to finish.Will the game ever have a story? I'm a storyfag. I loved IWar2.
There are tons of background lore and you can always read the hapennings in the galaxy on the Galnet News Feed, but there no story which have an arch from start to finish.Will the game ever have a story? I'm a storyfag. I loved IWar2.
Wasn't your target rated dangerous or elite? For 27K, I wouldn't have picked that as a target. I would have wated until a less dangerous pops up.27k and you need at least a capital ship to survive more than a few second.
fancy space station with earth-like planet and milky way
pirate base (dunno what causes this to show up, either Archon Delaine controlled systems or station owned by Anarchist faction, the only difference to the standard one is the red skull anyway)
Both screenshots taken from the seat of that Vulture I lost because the game hates me
It didn't though. Tried every "conflict zone" in that sector and there was no conflict anywhere, also no targets that were less than I think experienced or competent or something like that.Wasn't your target rated dangerous or elite? For 27K, I wouldn't have picked that as a target. I would have wated until a less dangerous pops up.
1. ALWAYS have money for the insurance. If you can't afford it, don't take combat missions.And now I lost everything (couldn't pay the 390k insurance for my Vulture).
Combat missions are as fucked up as in FFE, lol. Either the mission objective doesn't even show up (assassinations) or it's some bullshit scavenger hunt or whatever these retarded salvage missions (that nearly always feature an ambush) are supposed to be or 3 Anacondas with escort wings appear right in front of you or something else goes wrong.
And I must say that I don't have fun with planetside missions at all.
Why the fuck can't you target base defenses or sentry skimmers?
That's just stupid. I have a fucking flying fortress (Vulture) and get shredded by some weak sauce missile launcher turrets and lasers because I can't target these fucking things.
... Or can I? There are too many buttons on that XBox360 controller, I might have confused hostile targetting with something else. But I really think that nothing showed up under contacts and that I couldn't target anything on the ground, including skimmers.
So if that's really the case then I just wanna know why on earth can't I target ground defenses? To force me to use the SRV?
Would figure, a lot of design decisions reek of disciplinary measures or compromises for multiplayer:
- no Newtonian flight physics because dogfights don't really work with those
- ridiculous scanner and weapon ranges because dogfights ftw
- Powerplay factions being too much in the background without actual system factions or facilities associated with them and no direct way to influence which systems an enemy faction loses in the next cycle, also it's grindy as fuck
I also hate that the game constantly has to ask the server for informations btw (apparently even for random missions at any station), the connection to the servers isn't good enough for that shit.
Anyway, planetside missions are crap atm. Hope that changes in 2.2
And I hope they find a way to better tie the Powerplay stuff to the major and minor factions. Archon Delaine is a huge disappointment. I expected a pirate king sitting in a huge and heavily fortified asteroid base in Harma. He wasn't there. Nobody was there. Kumo Crew ships just show up as system defense I think and that's about it. Underwhelming. Clandestine my ass, these Powerplay factions need to show presence or it kills the suspension of disbelief and you are constantly reminded that this is just another gamey mechanic added to keep you busy.
And make the lore/background story more prominent. One way to do that would be by reducing all the unnecessary noise, meaning deleting some of these useless bullshit newspapers that only translate the minor faction dynamics into prewritten sentences. Nobody reads that shit.
It doesn't have the story line like IWar2 or Privateer, but apart from the lore, there are some interesting things going on. The whole alien probes/artifacts story arc that's ongoing looks cool. It's definitely not a pre-defined story line, but something that's being introduced into the game continuously by the ED team, and it's definitely a story. I want to join in the discoveries, after I switch to a higher tier multirole ship. I'm totally into dealing with the unknown.Will the game ever have a story? I'm a storyfag. I loved IWar2.
Great, I'm glad that you're having fun reading my posts.And btw your sudden switch from "this gaem is great" to "Elite Dangerous sucks" had something of a truly Makkab'esque dumbfuckery about it, so yeah I have zero sympathy for your plight and find it very amusing.
Obviously. And I knew that. Tried that mission type 2 times I think. The first time I barely made it to the target planet in time (I like to chain missions so it got a bit close, maybe 3 minutes left on the clock) but couldn't find the target before the timer ran out. After it ran out the client sent me a message that I would have to find the target soon or the mission would fail. I didn't have an FSD wake scanner so I thought maybe that's where he escaped to.3. Never had propblems with assassination missions, note that the target is supposed to appear at a specific time, not whenever you get to the system.
By the time I get some time playing with it during Christmas, they iron out the last bugs.Allegedly 2.2 goes online tomorrow, I guess its time to rack up some credits then.