Eater of Apples
Hi everyone. Is this series worth playing? Which is the best of the Eschalons? I don't really care to play it in order, just want to play the best first and see if I like it...
It's ok-ish, it's very slow (literally. The walking speed is horrible) and it doesn't help that the world is quite empty. Combat is turn based but simplistic, since it is only one character you control. The game invites you to some heavy save scumming, but I won't tell how so you can easier resist it - you'll find out by yourself It has a fun skill system tho, stat rolling if you are into that and the dungeons are enjoyable imho.
I only played 1 and 2 and liked Eschalon 1 better, I think the consensus is that Eschalon 2 is the best tho. The third seems to be a bit of a letdown.
Good to know, as I recently started playing the third one on my laptop (because it's one of the few games it would run). The walking speed is annoying indeed, and the world does feel a bit empty. Yet it's got a fairly oldschool feel to it, so I'm sorta playing it very casually, taking it slow. Sure, it hasn't made the greatest of impressions to me, but it doesn't seem too terrible either. Although what it really does well, is making me wanna play SITS or Ultima7.